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Punk-Rock Druid

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Greeting Adventurers, Only seems fitting to use that as a salutation. I got into running games about two years ago taking my final step of Nerdom after decades of only playing RPG's and having "passionate" conversations about how to make "X" story or game better. My father always told me "You can talk all the trash you want, but you better be able to back it up". So here I am, running games in a fully home-brewed world I've made for 5th Edition (and a custom Cyberpunk mod that's in the middle of play-testing). The most important thing to know about my game is that frankly, nothing is off limits. The funnest thing for me running games is setting up a whole world of dominoes and watching to see which of them get knocked over. I may knock over a piece or two to keep things moving along but I try to make sure that as much of the action comes as directly from a character's previous actions as possible. I love John Wick, DeadPool, and All Might; and I'm excited to see which one you are.

GM style

I typically break my games up by three axis; Combat, Exploration, and Role-Playing. None of them will ever be absent from a game I run but, depending on the game, will get focused on more prominently. Combat: I LOVE tactical combat. Because of that my combat encounters can be BRUTAL. I always tailor my encounters to be appropriate for my player's level and equipment, but my monsters will always plan, coordinate, and use their resources as intelligently as they are capable. Dark Souls and XCOM have nothing on me. Exploration: I grew up watching Indiana Jones and Rescuers Down Under, so this is basically that. Ancient mountain-top temples, deep forgotten tombs, rolling waves of green pasture, and coastal sunrises. If you want to explore as many strange and dark corners of the world as your character can survive there are many exploration and research guilds spread across the world who will pay handsome sums of gold for some else to "push the red button". Role-Play: There's just no way to avoid role-playing in D&D, on some level in every game I play characters are going to have to navigate the world through some level of conversation, whether that is trying to get better prices on gear or convincing a noble to not execute a prisoner. Role-playing doesn't necessarily mean talking in character, just that you are going to have to navigate some situations not best solved with sword or spell.

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