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Mike D the DM

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello and welcome I'll be your GM today :) I've been playing D&D around 3.5 and started as a DM around 2018 I love playing D&D and interacting with my players, coming up with fun a creative worlds

GM style

I like to mix roleplay with combat for a fairly even experience. I enjoy doing voices for those random NPCs and i love doing what I can to pull you into this magical, chaotic world. I do use a few homebrew rules please read below if you have any questions feel free to ask. 1. Long/short/full rest this rule set makes much more sense to me and I love these homebrew rules to make resting more smooth see this video for info 2. Your death saving throws are permanent unless you have a full rest (see above). I don't want you to die but I also want you to think before you act I feel this gives the game more tense moments. Some of you may die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make Before we began please read this as well: I want you guys to have fun and enjoy the game I put effort into setting up for you, however I won't tolerate bulling, harassment or any behaver that has no place at the table. If you have an issue with how the game is being run or any of my rulings you are free to present your case but do not argue at the table. This isn't the DM having final say, I will be more then happy to listen to and go over the rules after the session my goal as DM is to make the best call I can and dragging the entire group out of the immersion is the wrong way to do that please thing about your fellow players.

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