

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Bailfont is a place known for its clear views, crisp mountain air and breweries that are famous the world over. Within the next few days, thousands of visitors will descend for its annual beer festival - the biggest event in the local calendar. But all is not well in Bailfont this year; there have been strange sightings, disappearances and claims of ominous sounds echoing from the sewers and crypts under the city. Whispers among panicked locals suggest something is coming - something the city of Bailfont might not survive... As events draw towards their inevitable conclusion, you have a choice to make; Do you rise to meet the challenges ahead of you? Or do you go to the Colt, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over? Zombeers is a campaign for level 3 characters focusing on player choices and consequences. Whether your characters are aware of it or not, the undead are coming. What the party does - be it attempting to unravel the conspiracy threatening Bailfont or enjoying the festival until danger appears - will shape the entire campaign and your experience of the city as a whole. But be warned, while the approaching Zombie hordes are the most obvious threat, hidden among the fun of the festival are plenty of other nasty things waiting to take advantage of the chaos...

Less than a year on StartPlaying

18 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

As we're playing over discord, you'll need to have that installed along with a microphone and (preferably) a webcam. You'll also need a character sheet ready to go for the first game session. I'm happy with people using paper or digital sheets, though I would like to see a copy or picture before the first session. If you have your own dice, I'm happy with you rolling them provided you seem trustworthy.

What I provide

A discord server with a dice bot, music and ambience as well as good vibes and a campaign fully customised to accomodate the players actions.

Gameplay details

Zombeers is an RP heavy survival horror featuring Zombies and drinking culture. We will be using session 0 to discuss anything that players might be uncomfortable with to set up lines and veils as well as the preferred play style for the group overall - are you playing a team of hardbitten adventurers determined to save Bailfont or a group of hapless drunks staggering between hiding places as the world goes to hell around you? Each session will include breaks and a quick debriefing at the end to make sure everyone is still having fun and on board with whatever the plan is. NOTE: Despite the name and subject matter, this is NOT drunk D&D - you need to have enough of your mental faculties that you can engage with the other players and everyone can enjoy the game.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

We will begin at level 3 and you need a character sheet ready for game day. If you want to kick ideas around in session 0 before making something that's totally fine, if you have something ready to go before that and it fits with the vibe of the rest of the group, that's totally fine too. I can be available if you need help at the creation stage, but I'm afraid I don't have any access to the books I can share beyond reading things out. If you don't have access to any of the books, your best bet is likely to use the character creator on dndbeyond (as much as I loathe recommending something that limits you so much). If you want to make a character ahead of session 0, please use standard array or point buy. If you want to roll for stats, I'd rather it was done using the dicebot I have prepared or during session 0. Any race, class, spell or background from official books is allowed, so long as you can tell me which one they're from and it makes sense - for example, no dragonmarks if you can't justify having one in a world other than Eberron. I'm perfectly fine with repaints (using the rules for one thing to represent something different) but mechanically we'll need to use the names of things as listed in the rules to avoid confusion. Any homebrew or rules variations need to be discussed in session 0 to make sure the rest of the group is happy with it. If there is anything, I need to see a copy of what you want to use so I know exactly what it is and we need to make sure the rest of the group are OK with you using homebrew before you do it. Any broken combinations that might derail the game for everyone else needs to be discussed - That's not to say you can't use strong combinations and homebrew, but I need to make absolutely sure that the entire table (myself included) is happy with it and are going to get some kind of enjoyment out of the game. I'm open to discussion, but if in the end I say no, I mean no. I reserve the right to change these rules at any given time as new information becomes available.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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