Zan's Solution

Zan's Solution

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

On a land mass named Krahm stands the technology capitol of any of the surrounding lands, The Empire known as Prichinia. To the south West of this empire are lands of hills and grass controlled by the dwarves. To the east separated from the west by mountains is a smoldering desert and magical wasteland known as the “Swirling Abandon” magic is chaotic in this desert and much harder to control. Every few years a large magical storm rages through this desert destroying town and cities if precautions haven’t been taken. In these lands it’s not uncommon to see a firearm, a recently advanced technology that has given gunpowder a valuable use and is cheap enough to get in large quantities. Far south there is a small isthmus protected by the dwarves that connects Khram to the Southern continent.The bandits on each side of the mountains are getting more and more active and a problem. In the Swirling Abandon there are the Sand Grinders, who are well known for their “Grinders” which are heavily modified hover carts. In the West are the Krooks Of Khram, a nature based forest people with a hatred towards civilization. The Order of Locusts is an unaffiliated knightly order located in the Empire of Prichinia with only the goal of protecting the people of Krahm. They have begun taking hostile actions towards these two groups of bandits, focusing on the Grinders, mainly by use of hiring adventurers.

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

Make characters ahead of time but do not roll stats. Have an understanding of how your character works Expect to play after we go through everything in session 0. Feel free to prepare questions although I prefer you DM me any before session. You will need a decent Mic and a moderate laptop to run a few different programs. You will need a roll20 account where you will connect to a campaign that I will send you the link to. you will need a discord account where you will connect to a server that I will send you the link to. you will need a D&D Beyond account where you will connect to a campaign that I will send you the link to. Make these before session 0 and access the campaign/server to hammer out any technical difficulties. I recommend using the Beyond 20 extension but I will give you access to a character sheet in roll 20 if need be. You will want to message me before the game letting me know you will be able to make it and are interested in joining. send me an image that represents your character.

What I provide

I have a few different source books on D&D Beyond to offer. I am decently experienced in the use of roll20 so you can expect, handouts, an understanding of how roll20 functions, etc. I make a lot of maps, mostly through the web program Inkarnate. I will be prepared for session! we will almost always play at least three hours, save for rare circumstance.

Gameplay details

Everything including content warnings will be gone over in session 0, as well as the rules and expectations. A lot of the content warnings are in case if the topic comes up, a lot of it I don't have "planned" if you have any questions feel free to ask me directly before joining. The tag Genocide was selected because there will be topics of empires, cities, towns, and people being destroyed but it is never because of race, religion, etc. For open door, I get that life happens just let me know that you need time and how long you think it may take if you are comfortable with telling me a time frame. We will take around a 10 minute break somewhere within the one hour and two hour mark of the game. (This is adjustable based on needs) I have a lot of graphic description in combat which is unlikely to change, but I am willing to try to tone it down with your patience and understanding and feedback. The topic of body horror isn't something I can change without completely rewriting the story, if this is a big issue for you sadly this campaign probably isn't your best option. DM me for me details or boundary setting. Death is very possible and can very easily happen to your character.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

This campaign will start at level one and the stats will be rolled at session zero where I can see them. I will have you reroll certain stats until you have at least three that are a 15 or above. IF YOU ROLL BEFORE SESSION ZERO YOU WILL BE ASKED TO REROLL THEM. Feel free to come up with the character before session zero just no stats. All official content is allowed, I am open to homebrew but I'll have to review it first before approving it, ask before you make plans for homebrew. Starting Equipment. (ask if there is something else you want) You will be expected to make a backstory with a decent amount of detail, A general idea of who your character is and where he came from is fine, include a reason why they have decided to adventure whether that be your house exploding or your character getting bored and deciding it's time. DM me for details about the world and places in it. I will most likely mess with your backstory to fit into the campaign so expect a little DM manipulating when it comes to your backstory. (only enough to make things spicy) At session 0 we will go over characters, who they are, what they look like. You will be asked to come up with a reason to know at least one or two other character in the party. You won't be asked to spill deep details about your backstory, in fact I prefer you don't, just enough to relate to other characters. Whenever you finish with your character tell me what you have come up with, class, race, etc. You will be expected to know your character because I can't always keep track of everything but I will certainly try. I will have a couple premades if someone joins last minute and doesn't have a character for session 0

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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