White Plume Mountain

White Plume Mountain

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

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  • Duration: 3.5 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

White Plume Mountain has always been a subject of superstitious awe to the neighboring villagers. People still travel many miles to gaze upon this natural wonder, though few will approach it closely, as it is reputed to be the haunt of various demons and devils. The occasional disappearance of those who stray too close to the Plume reinforces this belief. Several weeks ago , three highly highly valued magic items named Wave, Whelm and Blackrazor disappeared from the vaults of their owners. rewards were posted, servants hanged, even the sanctuary of one thieves guild was violated in the frantic search for the priceless arms, but not even a single clue was turned up until the weapons' former owners each received a copy of the following note. Search ye far or search ye near, you'll find no trace of the three, unless you follow instructions clear, for the weapons abide with me. North past forest, farm and furrow, you must go to the feathered mound, then down away from the sun you'll burrow, forget life forget light forget sound. To rescue wave you must do battle, with the beast in the boiling bubble, crost cavern vast, where chain links rattle lies Whelm past water-spouts double. Blackrazor yet remains to be won, underneath inverted ziggurat, that garnered think not that you're done, for now you'll find you are caught. I care not former owners brave what heroes you hire, though mighty I'll make each one my slave , or send them to the fire. This Adventure is a classic and has been updated for 5e dungeons and dragons, it is a dungeon crawl with minimal combat so if you prefer to hit things this most likely will not appeal to you. My first time running this adventure but i expect it to be head scratching and nail biting. I urge my players to have fun but take it serious when the need arises, do you wish to test your wits and courage ?

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

please have discord and a mic , create your own characters as you see fit within in the rules of this site, and be prepared for a dangerous dungeon.

What I provide

ill be bringing my voice

Gameplay details

This Adventure appears to be a significant amount of planning and puzzle solving , I expect plenty of conversations and minimal fighting. It does look like a lot of exploration but i believe the emphasis is on surviving the the rooms.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

This is a level 8 Adventure please create your character on your own using the standard array set , Unearthed Arcana is allowed.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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