When the children are gone... - Home brew mini-campaign  (3-4 sessions)

When the children are gone... - Home brew mini-campaign (3-4 sessions)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

You and your group have been mercenaries for the past year, traveling between the elven city of Yelra and the two human cities of Leozar and Rojos. However, when you entered Rojos a month ago your contact person and good friend Leonard Braalink had disappeared. After some investigations and interrogations you learned about a group op human traffickers in Rojos, defeated them and rescued some of the people that they had taken. Now the word of your heroic deeds have spread and as you are drinking in a Tavern, where even the poorest people buy you drinks, you have received a note asking you to come to Perdra, a small village between Yelra and Leozar. A stranger needs your help and will pay handsomely for it. This adventure will (most likely) take 3 to 4 sessions to complete, depending on some choices the party makes it can take longer. It has a dark touch to it and certain descriptions can be graphic. I hope some parts will make your skin crawl, so make sure you are oke with that before joining. If you're not sure, just send me a message and we can see if it contains things you don't want in your games. Beforehand we'll make a level 8 character together. All official content is allowed and you'll get some extra magic items and money to spend. You don't need to have any experience with DnD, cause I'll help you understand everything and during this adventure if you're new to DnD. I prefer to keep my party small. That way everybody can take some spotlight time and roll play. The first part is roll play heavy, the second part will be more mystery/combat/investigation, but still pieces of RP will be present.

3 years on StartPlaying

57 games hosted

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need acces to Discord, Roll20, a webcam and a mic for the character creation. I'll help you set up if you're not familiar with it and help with everything else.

What I provide

I'll make maps, write some lore (you probably never going to ask about, but that's alright ^^), make the tokens (if you want to make your own, that's fine as well) and the adventure and music for ambiance.

Gameplay details

The first part of the game will be RP heavy, talking with NPC's, traveling, investigating and getting to know the party you travel with. The second will be you and the party solving whatever you've found out in part 1, which will have the darker tone and graphic descriptions.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We'll create them together beforehand. That way we can check if everything works and you can get a feel for me as a DM and I of you as a player. We'll also discus things you might not feel comfortably with, cause I do want to make your skin crawl, but in a 'This is awesome and I'm scared way' and not a 'This is uncomfortable' way.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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