Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Legends of the Yawning Portal

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Legends of the Yawning Portal

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, home to the Yawning Portal Inn and Tavern. A place where aspiring adventurers come far and wide to try and make a name for themselves or die trying. Songs from different lands and different heroes flow from the tavern doors as you walk down the streets of the Castle Ward. Here is where you find yourself, surrounded by people of all walks of life, from the four corners of Faerun. Sitting not far from the namesake of the establishment you find yourself in, a barmaid swings by and places your order, a red wine, and fragrant stew. You begin to look around, seeing a Goliath and a Half-Orc in a contest of strength spouting insults as they try to best each other. The unfortunate loser happens to be the table they were arm wrestling on as it cracks and shatters under their weight. The tavern falls quiet for just a moment as all eyes move toward the burly bartender, owner, and legend, Durnan. He affixes them with a cool steely gaze but continues to clean the glasses and the patrons know those two were just let off with a warning. The merriment begins again until a deep growl emanates from the Yawning Portal itself. You stop mid-spoonful, hand already moving toward your weapon, seeing most of the patrons that would call themselves adventurers already backing off, but that's why they will be forgotten to time...not you.

2 years on StartPlaying

231 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Knows the Rules, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need a microphone to be able to communicate using Discord. Webcams are preferred, but not required. Players will also need to download Fantasy Grounds Unity (Demo Version) which is free to download on the Fantasy Grounds Website, or through Steam.

What I provide

I will be bringing the story, the adventure, and the music to the table each week. I also have all of the official D&D 5e books on Fantasy Grounds, allowing the players to have any information about the system at their fingertips.

Gameplay details

This game will contain mystery, intrigue, and combat. Players can expect an immersive experience outlining their heroics and the world around them. During session 0, we will be talking about the table's expectations and about the topics that the campaign will cover in detail.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Our heroes will begin our adventure at Level 1. During session 0, players will make their characters together and once finished, introduce themselves. Character attributes are assigned by rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest number. If that means nothing to you, don't fret! I will happily walk you through character creation step by step and answer any questions that come to mind.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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