๐Ÿ’Ž Vanquish the Vampiric Syndicate! | [18+] 5E Dark Fantasy

๐Ÿ’Ž Vanquish the Vampiric Syndicate! | [18+] 5E Dark Fantasy

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Tale Spire, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

You felt it when you first laid eyes upon the Baron. Something in his gaze made your blood run cold and your heart scream to run. Unknowingly, you ignored the signs in favor of the beautiful words and joyful smiles of those around you. How much of a fool you have been to allow these Viscous Vagrants a place on your lips. But no one could have known how deep their plans ran... Ran through the very heart of this land, through the veins of mountains, and through the minds of its people! We let them in... Now its up to YOU to ROOT THEM OUT! Will you Vanquish the Vampiric intruders of this land? Or fall prey to their bloody influences? Your choices... may doom us all. / LGBTQ+ FRIENDLY / POC SAFE-SPACE / ALL GENDERS WELCOME / 18+ Welcome! You're in for a wild ride of Sensation, Blood, and Mayhem! I love telling highly nuanced stories that speak to a deep truth found in our society and I can't wait to bring this story to life with you! Sign up to experience: -Detailed Scene Descriptions -NPC's with Custom-Made Art -FULL Maps of the Overworld -3D Battlemaps (Talespire) -Custom-Made Player Handouts -Sounds and Music -And Neck-Biting Exhilaration! UNSURE? Shoot me a message! I'm a really personable individual and I reply quickly! Happy Hunting! ~Alexander Kay

Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

816 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Inclusive

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

- Discord Account REQUIRED (It's free) - Desktop or Laptop REQUIRED - Microphones REQUIRED for gameplay - Headphones REQUIRED - Webcams OPTIONAL but HIGHLY encouraged - Rolling will be done using a Discord Bot

What I provide

-7 Years of TTRPG experience -Detailed Scene Descriptions -NPC's with Custom-Made Art -FULL Maps of the Overworld -3D Battlemaps (Talespire) -Custom-Made Player Handouts -Sounds and Music

Gameplay details

~ABOUT ME~ Since I was young, I've always loved fantasy storytelling. Finding a passion for TTRPG's has reignited a part of me that I thought I had lost. That childlike Imagination and creativity, newly reborn into something better; more mature, closer to the heart. Above everything else, that is what I stand to offer to my players. With me, you'll be transported to amazing worlds of daring adventure, soaring joy, and sorrowful heartache. I offer an experience bathed in wonder without losing the humanity that makes stories truly great. I'm a writer/Digital Artist, so you best believe that you'll see me bring that to our games! I'm also VERY accepting of people's identities, so you can be sure to find a safe space at my table. (Unless you're a dickbag) ~Style~ Roleplay Style: In-character conversations, Voices, Character descriptions, Backstories, Culture, etc. Combat Style: In my opinion, the best fight is one where the players *almost* die, but snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. I won't fudge my rolls, but when things are dire, I'll often offer my opinion or advice. I'm rooting for you, but without the threat of death, combat can't carry real emotional intensity. World Immersion: You best believe I have entire languages, countries, cultures, and belief systems planned out. I've got enough planning to fool you crazy people into believing I've got it all figured out, and just enough of it unplanned to make sure I can change details on the fly. Rule of Cool Style: I won't allow just ANY fun idea to happen, but if it makes sense and is plausible, you're probably gonna receive advantage on the roll. Some things are too cool not to work. Rules OR Fun: Rules bring order and balance to TTRPG's, So I'm more likely to abide by them more often than not. However, if a rule is causing a lack of enjoyment for me or my players, I'll structure a new one. Very obviously, SA and any allusion to such a thing will be COMPLETELY BANNED from the game. Lastly, our main use for Safety is Green Yellow Red Cards, cards that may be used in-game to handle safety during difficult topics.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Character creation will be done by consultation, you will build out the character with either myself or one of my admins... together!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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