The Book of Fables: A Fairy Tale in New York

The Book of Fables: A Fairy Tale in New York

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"Once upon a time, the creatures that humans know in this day and age as simple bed-time stories for their children, roamed freely in the Homelands - living lives that closely resembled to the ones that mortals tell amongst themselves. We all had our happily ever afters. Then, the Adversary came; descending upon us with his infernal armies, he brought ruin to our fair kingdoms. No magic or sword could match the monsters the Adversary commanded. With our back's against the wall, we were forced to leave our homelands, and migrate into this strange world - this modern world, where we are all nothing but superstition. I suppose there are worse places to be rather than New York. Now, we must hide amongst the mortals, and make ourselves a new home here. And although we may be safe from the claws of the Adversary, we are not entirely safe from ourselves, or from the dangers of this world." The Book of Fables campaign uses the comic book series "Fables" and the video game "The Wolf Among Us" as its core setting; every player character has the opportunity to play a fairytale character in exile in modern world New York. While we may use the comics and the video game for our standing ground, the campaign is yours - and yours alone; that means we won't be using the stories from the source, but instead we will be writing our own versions of them. With the exception of a few, every Fable is free game if you wish to breathe your own life into their story as they must find their new version of happily ever after in this "once upon a time". We will be using D&D 5E as our base game system, and the exact details of how we will go about the campaign will be discussed as a group during Session 0. If you are interested in this setting or fairytales in general, this game will have everything you're looking for!


2 years on StartPlaying

359 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

🎀 A decent microphone is a must. πŸ”ŠA Discord account (free to register). 🎲 Roll20 account (for the table and dice rolls. Also free to register). πŸ“„ Detailed but brief backstory (1 to 3 pages should suffice). πŸŽ“ Beginners are welcome; I will explain the rules and the system as we play, should need be. πŸ“· Cameras are optional, but highly encouraged, as I believe seeing each other enhances our roleplay.

What I provide

πŸ™ Handouts, illustrations, and detailed descriptions of your surroundings. πŸ—ΊοΈ Dynamic battle maps to make your combat experience immersive and engaging. πŸ“œ A Quest Log to help keep track of your journey. 🎭 A player and character oriented approach. 🏞 A vast world full of mysteries and dangers for you to traverse. 🎡 Fitting ambience and music. 🎧 A discord server for socializing and making friends. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆLGBTQI+ and BIPOC friendly table. ✨ Your very own fairytale in modern day New York, where you get to write your own "Once Upon a Time" and "Happily Ever After".

Gameplay details

We will start with a Session 0 to establish how / if at all the characters are connected, their roles in the world, and how the world might potentially view them. I intend for the game to have a mix of neo-noir, gothic punk themes with the whacky, fun part of D&D. I will send a Lines and Veils document, as well as a consent form beforehand so you can let me know of what you are comfortable and not and provide me with that information beforehand. As for play, I tend to stick by the rules for the most part, but I'm also the biggest fan of my players - so if you have a cool idea, the rule of cool will absolutely be used. I'm not rigid with the rules. I also put heavy effort in roleplay; combat will be part of the game a decent degree, but I prefer my players to immerse themselves with the world and not worry about mechanics or anything else besides telling a good, satisfying story together, so roleplaying is more important than numbers and fights for me.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

What I would like first and foremost is a concept; what kind of character would you like to play - from what fairytale character they are to what class you are hoping to play. Once we have that, on Session 0 we will establish the relationship between the PCs, and afterwards I will require a detailed yet brief backstory for them with their lives, secrets and people of importance to them. If you are familiar with the system and know how to do the sheet, you can prepare it afterwards before the first session. If you are not, then I'm more than happy lending you a hand in creating a character whose stats both match the class you want to play and the concept you have created.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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