Up The Creek: A Torg Eternity One-shot

Up The Creek: A Torg Eternity One-shot

Torg Eternity on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 1 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This will be a single-session, self-contained experience in the Torg Eternity setting. These sessions are designed to allow people totally new to the genre to drop into the action of a tabletop role-playing game. We will be running a pre-generated one-shot called “Up The Creek”. Setting: The Torq Eternity setting is dominated by a cataclysmic, reality-shattering event that occurred just a few months previous. Bridges between our reality and others descended onto our planet, and now reality itself is at risk. Different realities, called "Cosms", connected to our plane of existence, and with them came armies. For many, the breaking of our reality was a tragedy - as the shuffling between Earths brought invasions from an infinite variety of worlds, following laws unknown and unknowable, that quickly began to carve out strongholds on ours. But for some, this event played out differently. For some, this shuttering changed them into something more than they were. For some, this breaking was not entirely negative. Rare individuals who uniquely had control of the reality within and around them emerged, and it is they who can push back. These individuals are known as Storm Knights - and the future of this Earth depends on them. You are one of these individuals. You are a Storm Knight. The Delphi Council, a resistance organization within our Cosm against the Reality Raiders from beyond, has summoned your group, and you have heard their summons.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

We will be using Discord for audio and Roll20 for gameplay. Webcams are optional, I will be using one. Please make sure you are signed up for Roll20!

What I provide

I will bring all materials needed to play the game.

Gameplay details

Exploration, Combat, Role-play

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

The characters are pregenerated, and at session start we will decide who plays what.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: Low
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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