Tomb of Annihilation

Tomb of Annihilation

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Zoom, Foundry VTT, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Death Curse. A necrotic plague that has somehow infected each and every person who has ever been raised from the dead. Regardless of healing attempts, it's victims become sicker by the day, unable to prevent their own strength from draining away. Resurrection magic has also stopped working due to this same curse, as there is some immense power forcing the souls of all recently deceased towards some sort of energy nexus. The only information that Diviners and Clerics alike can ascertain is that this nexus of powerful necrotic energy, nicknamed the Soulmonger, is located somewhere beneath an untamed jungle full of exotic dinosaurs and vicious undead, the mysterious island continent of Chult. Adventurers flock to the last bastion of civilization and safety in Chult, Port Nyanzaru, in order to brave the jungle and gather information about the whereabouts of this Soulmonger. Gather information and help the populace in Port Nyanzaru; explore and map out the Jungles of Chult; and finally find the Soulmonger to put an end to the Death Curse once and for all! This campaign features the classic town based D&D shenanigans, an entire jungle to explore in a hex crawl with loads of locations to discover, light resource management as you survive this untamed wilderness, devious puzzles to solve in several dungeons, and finally pass the ultimate test in a deathtrap mega-dungeon. The difficulty does increase as the story progresses, but so does your own power level as the party grows into the true heroes they were meant to be. Welcome to the Jungles of Chult, how long can you survive?

Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

517 games hosted

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Voices, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

Please provide for yourself a mic, stable internet connection, and webcam (optional). (We will discuss in session zero whether or not we will use webcams) Familiarity with your character's abilities and how D&D 5E works before session one is needed, but mastery will come in time. After we create your characters in session zero, I will ask that everyone create a free HeroForge account so you can create your own miniature and I can make character tokens with it.

What I provide

FoundryVTT and DnDBeyond will have all stats, dice, character sheets, books, maps, and music needed for the games. We will use Zoom for our voice chat. Throughout the week, we use Discord as a place to chat, share links to the game, and post handouts for players.

Gameplay details

I play with all of the published rules of D&D 5E, so Unearthed Arcana and playtest materials are not allowed. The first ten minutes of each week's session tend to include a brief recap of the story so far as well as general chatting. I avoid most taboo subjects to keep the game open for everyone (Sorry, horny bards, but you will be disappointed). Enemies are intelligent; most creatures want to survive instead of fighting to the death. If your character dies, then I will help you get a replacement back into the game as soon as possible, so have at least one spare character ready at all times. The only thing I request with new characters is that they are not the same class as your most recently deceased (to reduce repetitiveness). I do not pull punches on character or NPC deaths; the world will respond as if someone just died because they did. Don't be an ***hole to your party; teamwork is key for everyone having fun. Don't be an ***hole to the NPCs; please don't make yourself out to be a villain by stealing from good guys. Focus on fun storytelling, and we can all enjoy ourselves together. Additional Safety tools: During session zero, we will discuss any boundaries you may have regarding game content. Feel free to discuss these boundaries with me at any time, even if we don't address it during session zero. Simply state or send a message to me or the general group chat, and we will work around any roleplay or content boundaries you may have without issue. If you need a break at any time, just let either me or the group know beforehand. Bio-breaks for the whole group tend to happen 1-2 times per match normally, but feel free to take as many as you personally need. After each match, feel free to bring up anything that you enjoyed and would like to see more of or anything that you disliked about the session. If you feel more comfortable private messaging me, please do so. Open communication makes the games more fun for everyone.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

I will provide access to FoundryVTT and DnDBeyond character sheets during session zero. Level 3 is the starting character level. During our first match, we will work together to create characters that fit into the story world via DnDBeyond. Have a few character ideas in mind, but there is no need to roll stats beforehand. I use the standard dice rolls: roll four d6 and then drop the lowest. If your total stat points added together are lower than 74, then reroll them all.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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