To Catch a Thief: A Short LGBTQIA+ campaign. Lighthearted and Beginner Friendly (lvl 3 start)

To Catch a Thief: A Short LGBTQIA+ campaign. Lighthearted and Beginner Friendly (lvl 3 start)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome, adventurers! Your group finds themselves in the budding town of Driftgrass to celebrate its harvest festival. However, all is not well as the town is deals with a thieving problem and a missing Guardian Druid. After an incident in the square, your team is hired to investigate the thieves, return the lost property, and hopefully their Guardian to boot, all before the final celebration day! In this mini-campaign, your characters will have opportunities to deal with: Interrogate the town for clues Chase thieves through the streets Awaken a powerful being Have some good ol fashion shenanigans Have a party!

Voice Actor
Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

I'd love it if you take some time to run over the basics of D&D before playing, mostly because it can give you a framework within your imagination can soar. However, it is not at all required. In fact, I give a rundown of some of the basics in the Discord (you will need to have a Discord). Cameras are not required, but I do encourage microphones so that we may more seamlessly communicate with each other. As this is online, I can't provide dice for you so you'll have to either get some or snag a dice-rolling app (there are tons of free ones!). Have your character sheet handy during sessions!

What I provide

All combat will take place on hand-drawn maps of mine with hand-drawn tokens - including a hand-drawn token of your character (if there's an image you'd prefer, send it my way)! After the final session is over, I will start working on a drawing of your party which I will send digital copies to everyone.

Gameplay details

SAFETY TOOLS: Before the game even starts, I ask that everyone submits a survey in this RPG Consent Form ( ). This helps me understand where everyone stands in many issues. Most of these are NOT planned for this game, but it's always better to be safe. Characters can be made on your own, though I open the door for one-on-one conversations about your character building. In this conversation, you are welcome to reiterate anything from the Consent Form or mention something that wasn't there. After this, I like to have a Session Zero - where everyone meets up and we talk about the game and solidify characters. I'd love it if you could come to Session Zero at least with some ideas you want for your character. This is when we make a backstory for the group as a whole (I find it better for teamwork and fun if the characters already know each other, though by no means does this exclude the possibility of secrets!). While in-game, if you as a player start to feel uncomfortable, please please please type in the chat either an X N or O. X= I'm uncomfortable with this, stop please. N= I'm worried this is going in a direction I don't like, let's change course. O= Let's check in with everyone, make sure we're all okay! After a session is finished, I encourage people to stick around to debrief. You certainly don't have to, but it might be fun to chat with everyone about your favorite moments in the session, bring up something you hope to see next session, etc. It helps remind everyone that it was all just a game that we play for fun-sies! WHAT'S IN A GAME? All sessions and discussions will happen via Discord. There are channels where you are welcome to post your characters, ask questions, reveal backstory, etc. Sessions themselves will be on a video channel within Discord, though you by no means are required to show your face! I will be on camera doing faces and silly voices, as well as pull up a second camera during battles to show my hand-drawn maps. When it comes to gameplay, I tend to focus intent over rules. If your character wants to find a cannon and launch themselves out of it, I'm gonna say "yes, absolutely!" I'd rather give a quick ruling in favor of fun and teamwork than sit down and comb through the rules and slow down the game.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

While I encourage you to create your characters however best works for you, I open my door for one-on-one sessions where we build your character together. These can happen either privately or in the Character-Creation Discord Channel. You are more than welcome to have your character made before Session Zero, but at the very least I'd love to see at least an idea of who you want to play by that point. This is because I want to build a backstory for your group as a whole- how did you meet, what adventures have you gone on, what's the group's goal? This helps ease people into working as a group and roleplay with one another more openly.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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