Throne of Thorns Campaign // New Player Friendly💚

Throne of Thorns Campaign // New Player Friendly💚

Symbaroum on Discord, Foundry VTT, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session


About the adventure

🏖️🏖️Vacation time, starting Tuesday 3rd of September till Sunday 15th of September, back on Monday the 16th. Response to any messages be it on Startplaying or on the Discord will be limited and possibly have to wait till Monday the 16th.🏖️🏖️ Currently into Book one of the overarching Throne of Thorns campaign. However the way the campaign is written, you need no prior knowledge of the game system or story to fit right in. 📖Learn to Play Symbaroum step by step📖 "Tom is a talented and wonderful GM. His guidance of character and story is masterful. Weaving character plots and personal tweaks seamlessly into printed material (I have only played Icespire peak with him so far) gives the world and the story a depth that I find rewarding. His combats are smooth with excellent soundtracks the add ambiance without overpowering the mood. He has a wonderful balance of player agency while still moving the story forward and how he resolves skill checks and narrative events are as fun as they are insightful. I really cannot recommend him highly enough, it is one of my favorite tables to have sat at as a player. " - Luke "Tom is amazing with teaching new beginners and getting you involved in the game no matter what type of character you play. He is good with the rules and is great at setting up scenes so that players are engrossed in the stories and world that is built." - Tracie 🗺️Exploration of Symbar, the ancient Country🗺️ 🕵️A Mystery Unfolds 🕵️ 💜Defend your loved ones💚 About the Story: While the Ambrian people and Barbarian tribes enjoy a small period of peace. The Forest of Davokar is awakening and with it rumours of an ancient evil rooted deeply into it's heart. Many of the forest inhabitants fear the awakening and blame the newly arrived Ambrians for this disturbance. The Ironpact, stauch defenders of the forest and guardians of the ancient evil, strike out against Thistle Hold, the closest Ambrian settlement in the hope of pushing back the every expanding territories of the Ambrian People and their Queen. While expeditions of treasure hunters out of Thistle hold, probe deeply into the forest, they are about to make a fatefull discovery and mistake, that will put in motion the events of the ancient prophecy of the Throne of Thorns. This epic campaign from the writer and designer of Symbaroum and published by Free League Games, will take you on journey from the old lands of Ambrian people, to the barbarians living near Davokar, all the way to the deepest parts of the forest and discover it's many horrors. Will you be able to survive and make a name for yourself? Or what will your motives be in this epic story? Whether you are beginner or a veteran, I'll happily help you along with character creation, learning the rules, learning Foundry and any other aspect of the game.

Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

684 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

1️⃣Signup to my discord, we will use this as our means of communication both in the game and beside it. 2️⃣Read the Rules, safety tools, session 0 document and when do we play section on the discord. Also fill in the constent form found on my discord page and send it back to me via PM on discord. 3️⃣Have a working Mic, no need for a camera as most people prefer to play without one. 4️⃣A day before the game starts, will send you a gamelink. This link will grands access to Foundry via a host called the Forge. It will ask you to make a free account, please do so. Use this link to get into the game on game(day/night). ☎️If we already had session 0, have look on the rule section of my discord, otherwise please contact me on discord in order to plan your character creation. 🥳Now you're ready to go and enjoy the game...🥳

What I provide

🎲The official Foundry modules from Free League and Community support 🎲Static (and animated) maps 🎲Music and ambience 🎲Tokens for Npc's The only thing I can't bring is the courage to face the dangers ahead, that's all up to you...

Gameplay details

For a full list on how the safety tools work, look at The Gaming Peeples discord in the safety tools section. Also read the session 0 document and fill in the consent form also found on the discord. Furthermore respect each other at the table so we can all enjoy the game together.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Bleed

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Lines and Veils

  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

  • Stars and Wishes

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

✅IMPORTANT, we at The Gaming Peeples, have a cut off time of 72h before any established campaign game launches. This time is needed to have an onboarding with the new player, to help guide them into the game and The Gaming Peeples community. IF this onboarding can't be completed 72h before game launch, the new player won't be able to join their chosen game, until the onboarding is completed.✅ 🛡️Characters will be made with the standard symbaroum rules in addition to the advanced players guide, 80 points to divide and a choice between 5 novice abilities or 2 novice and 1 adept ability. In addition you can trade in a novice ability and get 2 boons. 🛡️🛡️During character creation the maximum amount of boons/banes is set to 2 each. This maximum also includes the boons/banes you've gotten from your race. In addition we'll use the Archtype and Profession abilities as described in the Core and Advanced players handbook. 🛡️🛡️🛡️No boons or banes may be bought after character creation, these can only be unlocked by roleplaying and Gm approval. 🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️All Races are allowed Ambrians, Barbarians, Changelings, Ogres, Goblins, Elves, Abducted Humans, Dwarves, Trolls and Undead. For the races of the Advanced Players Guide (the last 5) I would recommend a good grasp on the lore of Symbaroum. As these groups are a lot more invested in the background of the world. 🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️At session 0 we will make the characters and discus how the group comes together.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High

  • Roleplay: High

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Open to all

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