The Taleweaver Chronicles (Text-Based)

The Taleweaver Chronicles (Text-Based)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Introduction From the sprawling cities of Tergor, to the burning factories dotting Qhan, all the way across the Silver Sea to the porous mountains in the Commonwealth of Turak, the Taleweaver journey brings to life 5e in a way that very few storytellers can achieve. The Taleweaver Chronicles is a homebrew world that focuses on depth and immersion of characters with a balance of original lore, intrigue, combat and magic. A true definition of 5e; limitless, dangerous and open-ended. Your quests are decided by you, your encounters are by you and your fate and the fate of the world is in your hands. Every little detail; weather, history, NPCs, streets, cities, villages, landscapes, dungeons and tombs have all been painstakingly painted out for the brave adventure to traverse and interact with. The Taleweaver stories bring reality to 5e, with actions causing far-reaching consequences in these tumultuous times of the world. The on-going campaigns are open-world by standard, with nothing but your conscience and your party members as a guide. The setting of this world is medieval fantasy on a global scale. There are several states all inhabiting a variety of races and there are several religions. The rate of development for each state and continent vary largely. When you start, you may discover (with proper inquiry) that there are several political tumultuous things brewing and the first quest introduced to you may place you in a position to discover more if you wish. The way you play is decided by the party. If you choose to be politicians or their agents, sign up in the army, dungeon-crawl, or even take over the world. It is all your call. The world is so large I am currently building a wiki so you can look up and add whatever you want as the campaigns continue and the world grows. Campaign Hook It’s the 53rd year of the 7th Century of Mokra and there are tensions between the Wolrontian Empire and the Kingdom of Tergor. The Thieves Guild has robbed Kelled II and Kelled has concluded that the king of Tergor is somehow behind it. Meanwhile in the south, the orcs of Qhan have entered into almost open war for dominance of the trade routes on the Silver Sea against the dwarves of the Commonwealth of Turak. The orcs are also trying to rid themselves of the monopoly of the dwarven Trade Guild and Merchant Banks and have launched their own banking operations In Olwath, the capital of the mostly human kingdom of Stormeria, you have been successfully accepted into the newly commissioned Hawks, the long-overdue adventurer guild. You have received a letter that has brought you all the way to a wooden cabin in the outskirts of the city, surrounded by tall trees at the edge of a rainforest. In the front garden, just outside the freshly painted front door, there is a big wooden statue of a Hawk. Its head moves to follow you as you walk. What happens next? You decide. Game Link:

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Join Roll20 Read the Tutorial Booklet Discuss with me to better understand the world.

What I provide

I'll bring battle maps, NPC tokens, A Virtual Tabletop

Gameplay details

It gets really boring quick to just fight and long-rest with no true weight or meaningful story to guide the actions of the party. This is why I have added to the game combat a unique fighting and damage system utilising an extra stat called the MDT it is a threshold (40% of your health plus your constitution mod) that determines whether taken damage can cause a permanent injury. This strengthens the need to be creative and careful in approaching encounters and strengthens the need to roleplay. And for those people who do not believe in meaningless slaughter, I reward XP points equivalently for avoiding combat and still achieving your goal.

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How will character creation work

Character creation is done in-game on roll20 and the stats are generated using a bot. The bot rolls 4 sets of ability scores and the best one is chosen. Backstories must be world-accurate and are done in conjunction with me.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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