The Stormking's Thunder

The Stormking's Thunder

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Savage Frontier (also known as the North) is a cold, rugged, sparsely populated land of snow-capped mountains, rocky hills, sprawling forests, and foggy vales. Isolated strongholds, ancient burial mounds, and the ruins of many forgotten empires dot this vast landscape. Bounded by the Sea of Swords to the west and the desert of Anauroch to the east, the Savage Frontier extends as far north as Icewind Dale and as far south as the town of Daggerford. Old roads stretch across this great expanse, linking the dwarven strongholds and mines in the mountains to the coastal settlements, frontier towns, and fortified outposts of humans and other folk. These roads are long, lonely, or poorly defended, making them dangerous to traverse. In fertile valleys, towns and cities have sprung up, separated by dozens if not hundreds of miles of untamed wilderness haunted by bandits, barbarians, and monsters. Evil dragons stirred into action by their dark queen, Tiamat, threatened the settlements of the Savage Frontier for a time. Ultimately, they were defeated and forced to withdraw to their lairs, while Tiamat was banished to the Nine Hells. Fear of the dragons’ wrath has faded quickly with the coming of a new threat: giants. The peoples of the North are no strangers to giant incursions. Frost giants have long claimed the Spine of the World as their demesne, and hill giants are known to scrounge for food in the untamed hills. But now, in the past couple of months, giants of every kind have emerged from their strongholds in force to threaten civilization as never before—and not just frost giants and hill giants, but also stone giants, fire giants, and cloud giants. All of the giants are in an uproar. Reports of giant attacks throughout the North have reached the coastal cities of Luskan, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep, stoking fears that the giants are waging war against humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk.


3 years on StartPlaying

800 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Voices

Additional Details

How to prepare

In terms of preparing for the game, I would encourage the following:- - I use an application called "Discord" for voice communication. I would recommend installing it on the device you wish to play on! (There is no requirement for using a webcam in my games, only voice is necessary!). - The game will be hosted on the website: - This is where the graphics, music, character sheets and entire game itself will be run! - Owning a copy of the Player's Handbook is advisable but not necessary - I am more than happy to run you through the necessary steps in order to create your character or provide information from the book for you!

What I provide

I will host the game on Roll20 which the players will be able to access at any point outside of game time. This will enable players to edit their character sheets, level up or review game information for the next session!

Gameplay details

My games are catered to all ages. I like to run a Session 0 where I will encourage the players to discuss relevant themes that may be deemed unsuitable for the group's needs e.g. Harsh language, violence and gore, body horror, phobias etc. If these subjects were preferred to be discussed privately, I would instead provide a consent form that would let the player privately submit their preferences on content they would rather not see featured in the game. If that player would rather talk to me directly in private, that would be perfectly fine too. I handle triggers and inappropriate content with confidentiality and respect towards the player's views and beliefs. If, during the game, a player is uncomfortable with the content they are participating in, I encourage that player to let me know in private so that we can stop the session, take a break and discuss the issue privately. How my players feel during my games is my top priority and if one person is not having fun, I will take the steps necessary to ensure they are heard and ensure the subjects they deemed inappropriate are kept strictly off the table. I take a no-tolerance approach to inter-player conflict. Should one or more players become uncomfortable with each other, I would do my best to resolve the conflict privately and in a healthy manner. Communication is vital during times of player conflict and I do my best to promote this in the game and outside too.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I like to begin this adventure at Level 1. For more experienced players looking for a challenge, I like to offer additional starting levels up to 3 and ends at level 12 - 15. I counter-balance a higher starting level by reshuffling combat encounters for a little more of an in-depth combat experience. In terms of character creation, I will be available to privately message during the week and will often run a Session 0 where character creation can be done. I am also not opposed to setting aside an hour during the week to discuss character creation in some depth should a player need. I will only charge for the sessions themselves and any extracurricular time spent on the game will be through my own doing.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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