The Silver Revival - A Gumshoe Case

The Silver Revival - A Gumshoe Case

Gumshoe, Night's Black Agents on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

<<ENCRYPTION PROTOCOL YEREN 4.Zxx.1>> >>>>>><<DECRYPTED MESSAGE BEGINS>> ATTN SCARECROW-3 // YOU HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED ASSIGNMENT INBOUND // PREPARE 24 HOUR NOTICE TO DEPLOY //TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS TO FOLLOW >>>>>><<DECRYPTED MESSAGE ENDS>> You are newly minted field agents of Ordo Veritatis, a benevolent global conspiracy with a mandate to protect the membrane of reality. You have been assigned to unit SCARECROW-3. Your cell will be responsible for covertly investigating and containing supernatural threats posed by Esoterrorists, thus maintaining The Veil. For the first time in your career, SCARECROW-3 has been activated. Your team will operate in the face of imminent danger, both natural and supernatural. Are you prepared to sacrifice everything to protect reality as we know it? Style: Theatre of the Mind with handouts This game will be run using a combination of the Esoterrorists and Night's Black Agents settings, both of which are based on the Gumshoe system. The structure of this game is a larger story broken down into distinct regional investigations. This game will not rely on crunchy rules, and instead lean more heavily on the "Rule of Cool" provided your character can reasonably justify their in-game actions. The Silver Revival will lean into mature themes without being explicit or exploitative. The game is set at 18+, but if you're younger than that and feel mature enough to engage in this setting with a group of adults then please let me know. I strive to make my games inclusive to all players, creating a safe roleplaying space. If you have any specific triggers, boundaries, or concerns about in-game content then please let me know and we can avoid those limits.

3 years on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

1. Decent quality microphone & webcam 2. A Discord account and the Discord app installed on the device you will be using to communicate 3. At least one six-sided die (virtual dice acceptable) 4. A positive attitude and willingness to work with a team!

What I provide

1. Player handouts 2. Character sheet templates 3. Discord server information 4. Mic & camera for myself

Gameplay details

This is a roleplay-heavy game that will encourage you to get into the headspace of your character. The content will include investigating violent crimes and supernatural threats. The mechanics of the system include roleplaying / tracking psychological stressors and symptoms of resulting psychological injuries. I strive to make my games inclusive to all players, creating a safe roleplaying space. If you have any specific triggers, boundaries, or concerns about in-game content then please let me know and we can avoid those limits.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Players will be asked to come equipped with a character concept, which will have to be approved beforehand. Character creation itself is fairly quick, and will be done at the beginning of the first session. When creating your character concept, come up with the following specific details: 1. Your character name 2. Your character's professional background prior to being recruiting into the secret order 3. Three defining personality traits: Two positive, one negative 4. Is your character more technical, social, or academic? 5. What style of combat does your character prefer? Hand-to-hand, firearms, or close-quarters? Why? If a player joins mid-campaign, then character creation will be done 1:1 beforehand to reduce impact to the flow of the game.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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