The Faeries of Willow County - A Tale of Unseen Peril

The Faeries of Willow County - A Tale of Unseen Peril

Chronicles of Darkness, Changeling: The Lost Second Edition on Discord, Foundry VTT, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This aint your mama's fairy tale. This here is a tale about poor folk who got their lives stolen from them. Granny used to tell stories from the old county about the fair folk, those who walk the hedges of arcadia. All them old wives tales are true, & when folks moved to willow county kentucky, they brought the stories about the fae with them. You didnt listen, or you didnt beleive them, until the tall man with the wicked grin, or the beautiful lady in blue came & took you. No matter how you ended up being dragged through the thorns, your life as a mortal ended that day. Time passed for you amongst the fae, but was it days, months or years? You're not sure, but you found your way back home somehow. Now your amongst other changelings who escaped from their keepers. You should be safe, but now that your eyes & ears can sense the twang of magic in the air, you see things for the way they really are. Witches, warlocks, wolves who walk like men, ancient horrors, & dead things from the depths of hell lurk in this here county. The freehold does its best to protect you, but the best protection is to keep your head down, try to go unnoticed from all the dangers & whatever you do dont stick your nose in other peoples business. Welcome to willow county kentucky. It sucks being a fae.


3 years on StartPlaying

880 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 67%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A discord account with quality microphone that allows for clear communication without undue background noise & a stable internet connection. Those who are operating on mobile hot spots will not be fast enough to stay connected with foundry. A PC that can meet the requirements to run Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Netbooks & chrome books I have found in the past do not meet meet these requirements. Familiarity with the Changeling the Lost 2e rule set is helpful but not required.

What I provide

I will be supplying the Foundry VTT for use with our game, with all the basic rules of Chronicles of Darkness input into it on top of additional content I've input over time(hurt locker, armory, dark eras, etc). Full custom graphics & NPC interfaces I've programed for it specifically.

Gameplay details

This game will depict a motley of changelings who are just starting to settle back into their lives in Willow County, a rural part of eastern kentucky. You escaped your durance at some point in the last six months, & the freehold of willow county took you in to teach you how to survive & cope with what the fae did to you. This game will be utilizing a custom set of courts, known as the Appalachian Courts. More details about the appalachian courts will be supplied before zero session. The setting of willow county is full of many other types of supernaturals that the appalachian courts are aware of, & the purpose of the freehold is to keep its members flying under the radar of these groups. Player characters will be formed from the modern era(earliest you can be born is 1940). All characters will be required to take a person as their first touchstone, later touchstones obtained by the merit may be items, places, etc. We use theatre of the mind for this game, but you will have background regional maps that represent willow county & also the various areas of the hedge you explore/learn about. Most sessions will be a mixture of investigation, role playing & combat depending on where the current plot line is going. Combat is also very dangerous & realistic, so characters becoming injured or close to death isnt impossible. Character deaths are uncommon but possible, depending on the actions of the party. These games are very high role play focused, so that will always take priority over combat & mechanics. Content Warning : Descriptions of supernatural murder & horror(which may or may not occur to player characters). Violence. Obscene/vulgar language(cursing) Adult themes(sex, drinking, criminal activity) Sexual content will always fade to black if it occurs, & will never occur between player characters unless all involved players consent. Lines & veils will also be honored & set up ahead of the chronicle via discord chat, so that I can fine tune any plot content to avoid things players may not want to face in game. Additionally, I am always online via my discord both during & outside of game should you need to bring something to my attention, whether thats a veil thats being approached too close or something makes you uncomfortable.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character generation will occur during a zero session with everyone present. This is as much to make sure we all mesh as a group of people as it is to make the characters, backgrounds & get everyones equipment setup. We will also discuss lines & veils for the game(please Private message me ahead of time if your uncomfortable with expressing these in a live chat). For those that join later, a one on one zero session will be scheduled outside of the normal game time to make you a character. Afterwards communication & further background info will be conducted with everyone via a discord channel on the server I use. No character's will be approved prior to the zero session. This includes pre-generated characters, & all players will be required to meet the same character creation expectations of the table, which may vary from group to group. Concepts related to local/state government, police & active military will not be allowed. There will be an emphasis on everyday people for character concepts(musicians, waitress, factory worker, etc), over specialized ones(occultists, private eyes, ex-marines, etc).

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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