The NNNineteen

The NNNineteen

Mutant Year Zero on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

In the year 2060, the Eastern bloc WARPac coalition had been heavily sanctioned by the Western powers of DELTA and they needed more oil. The United Kingdom was an easy target, and overnight the entire WARPac Army swarmed across Europe and into the UK by air and sea... invading the United Kingdom to seize the North Sea oil reserves and occupy the country. After 4 years of brutal occupation, DELTA forces from the USA helped liberate the UK and began using the islands to stockpile men, equipment, and experimental weapons of mass destruction in preparation for their European retaliation. WARPac responded with nukes and chemical weapons. This escalated into The 3N War – Nerve, Nano, Nuclear. As human casualties piled higher and higher, both sides turned to prototype War Droids who would obey orders without question, enter hazardous areas with zero risk and enable the Commanders to remote control the war from a safe distance. Mass-produced combat robots driven by Artificial Intelligence bathed in a battlefield full of radiation, chemical spillage and Nanotechnology. Some of them even became self-aware... You play a unique War Droid with special abilities and an individual weapons package, part of an elite squad robot warriors who start to question their purpose and make decisions for themselves. Each scenario is a military mission set in the near future war between the superpowers.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a mic for the Discord channel, but we won't be on camera so no webcam required. We'll run combats and visuals through Roll20. I'd rather you don't read the rules ahead of time, it's more realistic to "feel your way along." We'll dice up your character in a private one-to-one session zero and you'll meet your teammates when the Mission briefing starts. Bring your own dice for generating your character, Gameplay on Roll20 has the Mutant Year Zero system built-in.

What I provide

Roll20 has the dice, it would be great if you find a good visual representation of your character after we've diced them up so we can create a Roll20 token for them and to help your teammates visualise your PC. [I recommend you search for War Droid on Pinterest] All maps and combat will be on Roll20 [and the occasional war crime...]

Gameplay details

The direction of this campaign is entirely driven by you the players. You begin as loyal obedient war droids sent on missions behind enemy lines to help win a war you were built to fight. You have all the weapons and equipment you'll ever need, but what happens when you start to develop a conscience and question the purpose of your existence? You have 4 attributes, several skills, and superior training. We use the Mutant Year Zero rules as the unique dice make for exciting storytelling opportunities. Relax if you've ever used the system before - we'll ease you in gently. Well.... You will be sent on a secret combat mission each session [using Roll 20 with maps and tokens], fighting against an inferior but relentless enemy who will fight you to the end. All sessions are written up and you'll get recaps for easy reference. Expect radiation, casualties, friendly fire, fuel shortages, ammo, and the very worst of human nature. Think Terminator, Edge Of Tomorrow and Outside The Wire

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We start with a session zero where we will randomly generate a brand new and unique War Droid character for you, take you through Basic Training, and get you into the Jumpcarrier programmed to capture objectives, kill the enemy and make a difference. All you need is a pen and paper. Character sheets will be provided once the game starts.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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