The Knights of Drerne | All fighter party | 5e | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ GM

The Knights of Drerne | All fighter party | 5e | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ GM

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Alchemy, Discord, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

War is stirring across the continent. In the capital city of Veridale, in the country of Drerne, the Arch Duke Farno Kernan considers the implications of the growing number of skirmishes in the east. The Yuan-ti people of neighbouring Ublana have been raiding more and more in recent months. Intelligence suggests that their armies are mustering and soon, raiding parties are likely to be the least of the Arch Duke's problems. Gathered around a map of the continent with his closest advisors, Arch Duke Kernan looks wearily to Captain Seraphi. He has carefully considered his options and almost all of them risk igniting an already febrile situation. "Seraphi, I fear we have little choice but to respond with a show of force. Gather to me great warriors of renown. We will demonstrate that a small band of Drernians is as strong as an entire battalion of Ublanans. We will do what we can to avoid an all out war. But if we fail, and war it must be, we will give the people figureheads that they can trust and believe in throughout the ordeals ahead. These warriors will give the people hope in this dark time. They will be The Knights of Drerne." You are a great warrior of renown. You have answered Captain Seraphi's summons and will take part in a Grand Tourney to earn your place as a founding member of The Knights of Drerne. What challenges await you in the days ahead? ____________________________________________________________________ ⚔️ Experience playing in a single class party - in a campaign where all player characters are Fighters! 🐍 Learn more about the Yuan-ti aggression and play a pivotal role in stopping a war before it can even begin! 📖 Experience a completely homebrewed adventure where your backstory matters. 🧝 Test the bonds of your party as you form the Knights of Drerne and begin your work for the kingdom. 🏰 Explore Drerne and Ublana as you uncover what is behind the recent increase in Yuan-ti aggression. ____________________________________________________________________ Characters will begin at 6th level and the campaign is expected to end at level 10. This is a mini-campaign - it will last no longer than 12 sessions. All players must play as a Fighter, and each player must pick a different Fighter subclass. You may choose any subclass from the official 5e Fighter subclasses and a small selection of third-party subclasses provided by the DM. You are encouraged - and will be supported - to come up with a unique backstory. Players will need to cooperate in-game and above table to ensure the party can survive Drerne's darkest days.

Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

100 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 67%

Additional Details

How to prepare

The following are required: 🎙️ a mic and the ability to hear other players (camera optional). 🌐 an internet connection. 💻 a laptop or computer (Alchemy scenes are animated so you will not be able to run this game on a phone). ⌨️ Discord (free) ⚗️ Alchemy RPG free account (free) ⚔️ A D&D Beyond account (free)

What I provide

I'll be bringing game knowledge, a high-quality homebrew campaign and a safe place for you to play D&D 5e. I have an Alchemy Unlimited subscription to help make this game an immersive experience for everyone involved. I grant access through the campaign on D&D Beyond to content from all of the major WotC books. If there's something specific that you can't find let me know!

Gameplay details

Once you join the game on Start Playing Games you'll receive links to my discord server, a D&D Beyond campaign, and the Alchemy game. The Discord server is only used for planning ahead of the session. We will use the voice chat built into Alchemy for the game itself. Do not create your character in Alchemy RPG directly. Please use D&D Beyond. We will discuss subclass selection in session 0 so please do not create your character before then - though you are welcome to come with ideas! I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and this game is safe space for all players.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will be created in D&D Beyond by following the link you receive after joining the game on StartPlaying. Please don't select your subclass until after session 0. The following applies to all characters: - Characters start at 6th level in this mini-campaign. - All characters must be Fighters, and all characters must have a unique subclass. - All characters should use starting equipment for their class. I am open to discussing changes to this within reason. You may also choose an Uncommon magic item to start with (requires approval from the DM). - Ability scores can be generated through Point Buy, Standard Array or Rolled. - Hit points must use fixed value. - Wizards of the Coast published content is allowed. You may also choose your Fighter subclass from a small selection f third-party options provided by the DM. - Multiclassing is not allowed in this mini-campaign. - Firearms do not exist in this setting. - Feats are allowed and all characters will start will a free feat at level one. - Optional class features are allowed. When thinking of your character's backstory consider: - What makes you a warrior of renown? What great deeds are in your past? Perhaps there are no great deeds and you are related to someone important? Perhaps you were never invited to the Tourney and you've stumbled into it? - Why are you answering the call to arms now? Fame? Honour? Do you have a grudge against the Yuan-ti? - How does your history play into your subclass? Perhaps you were apprenticed to a wizard but always better with your sword and you became an Eldritch Knight? Perhaps you trained for years with the greatest warrior in the land to become a Battle Master? - Do you have any close friends or family who are important to you? Who are they? What does this relationship currently look like?

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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