The Kingdom Wars of Andryuun

The Kingdom Wars of Andryuun

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 8 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Kingdom Wars. An era upon Alsanna when many nations fell into civil war. Andryuun was the first to collapse into a civil war. The King of Andryuun grew too old, and had to abdicate. His chosen heir put the nobility, and even most of the peasantry, into an uproar. The land, not two months later, collapsed into warring kingdoms, each commanded by a "ruler", all seeking to conquer the surrounding lands and claim the throne of Andryuun. Some do it for power, others have good intentions. Some seek coin in the chaos, others seek purpose. Some left their homelands to come to Andryuun to stake a claim of fame or fortune. Regardless, the land is in turmoil. Where have you come from? What are your ideals? What do you wish to accomplish in this time of grave difficulty and strife? The land is awash in blood, and the various kingdoms seek commanders, spies, mercenaries, and all else they may pick from to assist in their mission, whatever that might be. Even the less than savory can find work, provided they approach the correct people. Though, do be cautious. The people talk, and if enough word gets out about your behavior, that could be either an obscene boon, or a life-threatening bane. Will you be a champion? A saboteur? Will you, perhaps, even lay claim to land of your own, and conquer Andryuun for yourself? Who knows... Would you like to find out?~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [This game is for mature minds, and has a heavy focus on war, tactical and logistical thinking, betrayals, and many prominent NPCs. This is NOT a wargame, so for those more casual players, you are still welcome. You'll just need to work your noggin a bit more, which we both know you are more than capable of doing. This setting is also a bit of a Choose-Your-Adventure in some instances. Each will have differing missions/assignments/quests, and will effect the campaign in various ways.] [PLEASE NOTE: If you are sensitive to racial topics, this game is NOT for you. My setting has Fantasy Racism, with some races being discriminated against in varying manners. If this upsets you, I am sorry, but, at the very least, the racism makes some sense, as these are legitimately different races, unlike IRL Humanity. My stance on such is this; Your skin color matters as much as your favorite breakfast cereal. You're a Human. End of discussion.]

3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

No microphones/webcams. No need to create a character sheet, just a character. No software to install, just Google Chrome, Firefox, or whatever works for you. The game provides its own, 3d, customizable Dice. If you have a particular idea for a character, go ahead and send me a link when we first meet via whatever platform. We'll see what we can do.

What I provide

I will be bringing my own setting. This is online-only, so I can't exactly bring you any cool art, as I am no artist, and my maps are my own. I do, after all, have plans of eventually publishing this setting as one for players to use. At least, I have hopes that I might be able to. All I hope to bring is a good feeling, and an overall enjoyment of what you are spending time, and some money, on.

Gameplay details

Lots of interactions with NPCs, fighting in battles both big and small. Most typical sessions will be as such; Interaction with an NPC, whom gives the players a set of choices, up to four. The players select what they wish to undertake, in keeping with their characters' thoughts, ideals, and so on... From there, they plan and discuss how they wish to go about it, before traveling there. From there, things can go completely awry, or "all according to keikaku". There is much player agency, so long as it makes sense for their character to do so. Combat is somewhat involved, as your character may need to keep track of allied soldiers and their movements to work alongside them, or even command them to do as the character needs them to. Minmaxing is 100% unnecessary, but do so if you so desire. I will not stop you from making your character as powerful as you can. Just note, I am not here to break the game, I am here to have my players have fun. End of discussion. A good portion of the first session will likely be explaining, as well as getting the party together as necessary. Just as well, as I may need to explain more nuanced sections of my setting that weren't initially laid out plainly for a player or more.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

The characters will start at a varying level. Each will roll a 1d6, and that will determine character level. If you do not wish to roll, your character will start at level 2. Character creation is all about working with me, as the DM. I am willing to try to work with players to bring certain things to life, but I will not break my rules, as a DM, to make your character. I'll not completely break or change my world to allow something. These characters will be created in Foundry, during a FREE pre-session zero meeting. Each player gets one, and they can last as long as necessary. Hammer out details, discuss options, run over homelands, races, and so on. Character creation is, understandably, a rather involved process. Even moreso, when dealing with Homebrew. Hence the lack of a quibble with doing a FREE pre-session zero meeting to work with players on making sure their character comes to life.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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