The Greymar

The Greymar

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Tabletop Simulator, Discord, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

GAME DETAILS: The campaign takes place in the homebrew region of the Greymar (which is based in the World of Greyhawk). This campaign is designed for 4-6 players levels 1-20. This campaign can accommodate new and experienced players. As I mentioned in my GM profile, I enjoy players that give their characters flaws and play to those shortcomings i.e. The flatulent burglar, the tone deaf bard, etc. I also enjoy when players work cohesively to solve complex problems in an unconventional manner. Basically, I like to have fun while playing (it is a game after all). SETTING: Tales of the region surrounding the Greymar were ripe with mystery, adventure, and treasure. Once a thriving breadbasket of the Greyhawk region, the Greymar attracted merchants, farmers, and thespians from the surrounding lands. After generations of prosperity, blight began to slowly creep across the land in the form of Orcish invaders, brigands, and terrifying monsters. What was once a haven for the unwashed masses became a “meat grinder” for those lacking martial prowess. OUR STORY... Seeking a warm bed, strong ale and companionship, you come upon Daern’s Hand; a small town that once acted as the gateway to the Greymar. Goods from all over the entire region-silks, magical weapons, potions, exotic foods-filled vendors' carts but continuous raids by marauding brigands have pushed the townsfolk to the brink of extinction. Between kidnap and wanton slaughter, the recent raids have diminished the once thriving hub to a fraction of its population. It is here we begin our adventure.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players need to have downloaded Tabletop Simulator, Discord and a D&D Beyond account. Once the game is confirmed, I will send a D&D Beyond Campaign invite link to each player so they can add their player to the campaign. Once added to the campaign, I will post the name of Discord channel and the Tabletop Simulator server/password in the D&D Beyond campaign notes.

What I provide

The D&D Beyond in game rollers will be utilized.

Gameplay details

This game contains the following themes: Graphic violence, raunchy crude humor, enslavement, profanity, bigotry (against dwarves, gnomes, elves, etc.), death, murder and torture. As a safety measure, I set the age threshold to 18+ and I have an session 0 discussion about what to expect and establish an agreed upon safe word if something makes you uncomfortable.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will occur on D&D Beyond before the session (I will review and confirm the character before the start of the game). Characters will start at level 1 (unless entering further along down the story and then will be entered into the group at the level of the lowest level character). The standard array will be used to set stats. Characters can play any race or class with the exception of the monster races. Players can either choose the standard starting gear or choose the monetary equivalent and buy their gear using the Players' Handbook. Casters-please have your spells selected and prepared. ***I do not require spell components with the exception of resurrection/reincarnation/raise dead.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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