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The Fall of the Last Dragon King - Game Of Thrones Role Play

The Fall of the Last Dragon King - Game Of Thrones Role Play

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Sword Chronicle on Discord, Foundry VTT, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Before Robert Baratheon was king, before the war of the five kings, the rise of the white walkers & the return of the Queen of dragons, the house of Aegon the Conqueror ruled Westeros for nearly three centuries. The year is 265 After The Conquest, & three years after King Aerys Targaryen, Second of his name has inherited the iron throne. House Blackmoon has served the Vale since before the conquest. The line of your house has deep ties to the blood of Old Valyria, with their own history of failures & triumphs, as well as enemies. As you progress through the years serving under the Lord of the Vale, Jon Aryyn, you will pursue your own intrigues, goals & maybe even minor wars with other houses. But as time goes on, the sanity of King Aerys will slowly erode away. The Mad King will rise from the Defiance At Duskendale, & Roberts Rebellion will come to pass. Your house will witness these events, & be wrapped up in them, & be changed by them forever.


3 years on StartPlaying

849 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: 5 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A discord account with quality microphone that allows for clear communication & an environment without alot of background noise while we are in session. A stable internet connection. A PC that can meet the requirements to run Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Familiarity with the setting of a game of thrones is highly encouraged.

What I provide

I will host the game with Foundry VTT & will have all rules input ahead of time for this game so you have quick access. I will also create token images for all characters.

Gameplay details

Set in the year 265 AC after the War of the Ninepenny Kings, & over 30 years before the events of A Game Of Thrones, the players will create a minor house that will become enveloped in the events leading up to the fall of House Targaryen, & Roberts Rebellion. We will be using Sword Chronicle's game system for this campaign, but with additional content from the Song of Ice & Fire RPG(Currently out of print, but I will input all relevant rules into foundry for our reference). Excluded kingdoms for creation will be Dorne & the Iron Islands. Which of the great houses the players choose to swear fealty to, will impact the style of story they end up playing out & whether they are fighting against the Rebellion or for it. Stories will be a mixture of themes but with a heavy focus on intrigue, with time skips in between, to allow for use of the house advancement mechanics. We will use theatre of the mind for most scenes, but battle maps will be used for when we switch to the warfare game mode. I will generate token images with artbreeder & also build regional maps of your houses lands/holdings. WARNING: Because of the Nature of the setting & world, character death is very likely in combats as well as other situations. This game will focus on the house as a whole, & requires a group narrative mindset. It is possible you will at some point have to retire your character & create new ones as time passes that are connected to your house or its allies. Lines & veils will also be honored & set up ahead of the chronicle via discord chat, so that I can fine tune any plot content to avoid things players may not want to face in game. Additionally, there are alot of things about the setting that I've placed content warnings about that will be veiled as NPCs & canon characters from the books that have done horrible things. But no player characters will be allowed to take said actions. The PCs should be the shining examples in a world that is regularly horrible. Sexual content will always fade to black if it occurs, & will never occur between player characters unless all involved players consent.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Once we hit our minimum players, a zero session will be scheduled to create the house itself & its history. This is a bit more intense then most game systems as creating the house can be a very in depth group activity. It is possible depending on how long house creation takes for the group, that we may have to do two sessions as you create your characters after the house creation is completed. I will endeavor to make this as fast as possible, but is a potential time concern. Once house creation is completed, players will create characters that are attached to their noble house in some way. The lord of the house always starts as an NPC, but players may create characters that are heirs, or related to the lord in some way(brother, aunt, uncle, etc). Non family members of the house are also available(knights, maesters, septa & septons, or smallfolk)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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