The Clockwork Citadel

The Clockwork Citadel

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Set inside my own personal world of Eulon, the city of Helistir is known for being the center of civilization. After the world was saved from a major disaster, a period of peace and progress took place. Through the marvels of engineering and magic, the M-Engine was born and a steampunk period known as the “New Era” has started to come full swing. But peace always has an end. When a mysterious citadel appears it is up to the party to stop Helistir from freezing in time. Complete with an expansion of my own making, this world's primary changes to a standard fantasy setting are the addition of magic based guns and fully customizable airships with fleshed out air-to-air combat. I run these homebrew creations with my personal group of friends and make tons of changes throughout the play testing we do so I can assure you these homebrew rules will do nothing but add to the game rather than hinder it as many ambitious homebrew tend to do. New Era Equipment & Airships v2.0: Why my price is worth it: -I am fully supportive of LGBT+ players and will ensure the comfort of all that decide to play. -You will get nothing less than my full attention when it comes to ensuring you have an enjoyable experience crafting and playing your character. -It also ensures that the table is invested and serious about everyone's time and energy. -Allows me to put more resources into paid assets for better battle maps and decorative tokens. -Payments are due after the session instead of before and if you are dissatisfied with how things are going you can leave at any time. -I choose players within a day of their application, meaning you can skip the painful process of waiting to get accepted (or rejected) from a game. -There are 5 available slots open to players but I'm running several other games if this fills up so check them out! How I run my games: Whether it be my own homebrew world or the forgotten realms, I keep the games as true to D&D as possible. Murderers will be investigated or overrun by guards, stealing the questionable wizard's favorite loofah will get you turned into a sheep and sneaking past the sleeping dragon with a fart gag will get you incinerated. I’m fair but cruel, good tactics and out of the box planning and actions will be rewarded. Expect death but rejoice when you survive. Role playing is also rewarded! I love nothing more than giving players the spotlight they deserve and am willing to work with each player on a personal level to get the most fun out of their character. I am open to Homebrew classes if you are not a new player and as long as we discuss it beforehand. Party Size + Start Date: The game will have a party of 5 and the start dates of these games will be set within the week of a game being filled. Communications: Please have a decent mic. Discord will be the Voice App. I will DM Discord invites when chosen or tell you when a particular game is full.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

As long as you have a roll20 account and a general interest in D&D we can take it from there!

What I provide

My A game!

Gameplay details

I tend to be more of a 70/30 RP to Combat type of DM in my homebrew games. Good RP and planning is always rewarded in my games, and just like some of the best RPGs you can talk or think your way out of most situations if it comes to it.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I'm pretty relaxed with character creation and can go into detail on what is allowed in session 0 but generally everything is on the table as long as we get a chance to talk it over beforehand.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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