The City at the End of the World

The City at the End of the World

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT, Theater of the Mind, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Elantrea is a city of refugees - perhaps the last and only city - after a global disaster thousands of years ago. In that ancient past, demigods walked among men, dragons flew in the sky, and magic worked great miracles on the world. Then the Cataclysm struck, a global disaster that saw the rending of the earth by quakes and storms, the wilding of magic, and the mutation of wild animals into savage beasts. Of course, this only escalated the tensions between the old Tribes. But twelve foresighted demigods united their tribes and set forth in search of a safe home. After years wandering across inhospitable terrain, battling fearsome monsters, and the death of their demigods, they found a new home: a mountain visible from hundreds of miles, rising into the sky as though to meet the gods, with a magnificent city built in its shadow. They lived there in stability for millennia. But15 years ago, the unthinkable happened. For the first time, somebody stumbled up the cliffs to Elantrea. She was ushered to the city, and died shortly after giving birth to twins. Those children, conceived outside of Elantrea, were received as an omen, terrifying to some and miraculous to others. As they aged, they started to take on the features of the god-touched, who haven't been seen for over a millennia. Many within Elantrea began to worship them, and at the upper echelons of society, the two of them have been groomed to take seats on the Council. From the time of their birth, however, more and more began to cross the cliffs into Elantrea. And not just those from the other tribes of Elantrea, but others from tribes long-forgotten. They all had only one thing in common: limited (or no) memory of their lives prior to arriving. There simply wasn’t room to accommodate these newcomers, and for two decades, a small shanty town has been built just outside of the walls of the city. One day, one of the twins walked among the people of the shanty, telling stories of a better life, and the residents of the shanty towns began to worship them as a prophet. Since then, they have been a fierce advocate for integration of the residents of the shanty town into Elantrea, something many within the walls oppose fiercely. Over the decade and a half since their arrival, the tensions between the tribes of Elantrea have re-emerged, leading many of the tribes to resent the roles they feel forced into within the city. Enter you, our heroes. You are coming into your own as adventurers amidst the greatest period of change and upheaval in Elantrea's history. I like to immerse players in the setting, growing bonds with the NPCs, exploring the city, and even going beyond the walls of the city, before eventually revealing the stakes of the campaign. Whose sides will the players take? How will they shape the future of Elantrea?

Published Writer
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, World Builder, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

A mic is necessary, and a webcam is nice to have, and we will communicate through discord. The players will not need to read the rules ahead of time. Players can choose between rolling physical dice (honor system) or an online dice roller (which we can align on in session 0). Character creation will happen during Session 0, and I want an up-to-date digital copy of the character sheet for every session. After session 1

What I provide

I will bring dice, and myself. Maps will be discussed in Session 0. I have a preference for theater of the mind, but am quite proficient at Foundry VTT and Roll20.

Gameplay details

Session 0 is - in my opinion - the most important, and will be used to discussed what the players want - and don't want out of a game. My game will not include prejudice that is celebrated. The game itself is about a class and race stratified society, and there will be instances of microaggressions of classism and racism, generally used to give a sense of the morals of the NPCs to inform the players' decisions.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

The characters will be level 1, and quickly advance to level 3 (one level per session). After that, I do milestone leveling. The players will be created in Session 0, to ensure that the PCs are a cohesive group. I would like to avoid "we're meeting in a bar, now we're comrades" setups (although if that's what the players all prefer, I'm open to it)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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