The Call to Stone Hell / Morning / - A PF2 mega-dungeon adventure

The Call to Stone Hell / Morning / - A PF2 mega-dungeon adventure

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"Times are growing dark for the Kingdom of Elpath. A hobgoblin army has begun its assault from the west, pushing through the mountain ranges. The King has called all available citizens to arms, to defend their peoples but tragedy is befalling their families, and no one can be spared to deal with this growing problem. Decrees have been sent to all neighboring lands in search of those who would come to the aid Elpath on behalf of the citizens. Brigands, thieves and other sullied creatures have gradually begun to sunder the folk across the lands. A guarantee of 5 gold per week for services provided to any who will take up arms to defend the people and discover the sources of this rising disturbance. Any who can rid the disturbances, are also guaranteed to be rewarded additionally if their efforts warrant it and proof is provided of greater threat. It is believed that the majority of the problems stem from a canyon known as Stone Hell. A supposed site well known by adventures of old, but forgotten except in rumor by modern folk. Please, we beg of you to help us." Stone Hell Canyon was once the pride of a long forgotten kingdom, which was toppled by its neighbors and citizens. It's secrets and truths lost to time. It has been hundreds of years but the rumors of Stone Hell live on from generation to generation as a place of rumored fame, riches, and ill omen. Some say its cursed, others swear many have made their fortunes there. Peoples pass stories of great treasures, dwarves speak of great machina and ancient architecture, while the Elves whisper of dark things men should not meddle in. No matter the folk lore, the place has been silent for ages but for many months now, trouble has been brewing from somewhere inside the canyon. All manner of trouble is a foot and innocent lives have already been claimed. Do you have what it takes to discover the lost truths of Stone Hell and help the citizens of Elpath?

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

38 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

You shouldn't need to download anything for the game since its on Foundry. You will need to download discord (if you don't already have it) and join my private discord server for the game. I will be happy to help with any of this if you need. You will need a good working and working headset.

What I provide

I will be providing all the products needed for use as far as game materials goes.

Gameplay details

You will be charged for your seat if you do not show up for a game unless you cancel your session as described by Startplaying services. The seats in my games are reserved for those who intend to be here for every game. If your missing sessions on a regular basis, you will be removed from the game to give another player the opportunity to play, that will be here consistently. I do not refund games with the exception of emergencies. If you can not make a game you will still be charged to hold your place at the table unless you cancel as per Startplaying's rules of cancellation. Canceling your sessions regularly will also result in your removal from the game to allow for another player an opportunity to play, that will be here consistently. This is a business, and I am providing a service for monetary compensation. This is my time and life I am using to provide you with a service of entertainment. So I do not think it is to much to ask that you respect my time and be understanding that I am looking for clientele who understand and respect that. If a person is only here half the time they are costing me money that I could be making with a more reliable and considerate client. This is a very common business practice in many fields that have appointment based clientele. My games are considered rated R and contain adult content and situations for mature audiences only. Not because the content is all dark but because it can involve real life situations, across a giant scope of real life problems and situations. If you are not a person who is capable of maintaining your emotions and can not communicate when your emotions are effecting you then my services are probably not for you. I have no problems in working with players through sensitive content or navigating things around content that is sensitive for someone but I can not do that if you can not communicate when that is happening. I'm not a monster, but I do have the expectation that if you join my game you are going to be an adult and communicate to me when a problem arises, so we can handle the issue together and move forward in a positive manner that is good for the group. All rules, which I prefer a lot of variants, will be discussed at session Zero. Session zero will continue until everyone at the table is in agreement of the rules before we move forward. Crafting and world building for players is a big part of my games and a love of mine in TTRPG's, as well as homebrewing. So these options will always be available to anyone who wants to invest in them. Your actions and decisions will play a very important role in your survival and the story. I will never deny the opportunity for anyone to engage a situation in something other than combat, but it is dependent on the players and their actions in the moment, and how you interact with the situation you're in. A lot of encounters can be a combat or roleplay situations which I leave entirely in the hands of the players. I, for the most part, run the world as a reaction to the players actions. This is a game of many truths and secrets, and I love deadly and dangerous games. I do like a bit of realistic physics in my games. In most cases such as, casting fireball in a hallway would of course double the singular direction of distance. Things of that nature. Casting spells that effect terrain in a corridor would engulf the entire corridor, floor to ceiling. things of that nature. Which these are all things that can be discussed in session zero. If you have any questions before joining a game, message me and I will be happy to answer them.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Standard character creation of course is the norm but or we could go the level 0 road if all players are up for it and want to go that way. This is another subject to be covered in session zero.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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