The British Bulldogs

The British Bulldogs

Marvel Super-Heroes FASERIP on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Featuring the debut of Britain's finest World War 2 superheroes - a crack squadron of Commandos who endure top-secret experiments to turn them into secret weapons. Think Beachheads. Bunkers. Trenches. Occupied towns. Europe France Germany Britain. Doodlebugs. Dogfights. Tanks. Half-tracks. Flak. Unexplored bombs. Air raid sirens. Concentration camps. Treblinka. Spies and double agents. Imminent invasion. Secret experiments. Traitors and saboteurs. Master race supremacy. Battleships. Parachuting down into enemy territory. Minefields. Flamethrowers. And all the while the Nazis are developing their own super soldiers...

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a mic for the Discord channel, but we won't be on camera so no webcam required. We'll run combats and visuals through Roll20. I'd rather you don't read the rules ahead of time, it's more realistic to "feel your way along." We'll dice up your character in a private one-to-one session zero and you'll meet your teammates when the Mission briefing starts. Bring your own dice for generating your character, Gameplay on Roll20

What I provide

Roll20 has the dice, it would be great if you find a good visual representation of your character after we've diced them up so we can create a Roll20 token for them and to help your teammates visualise your PC. All maps and combat will be on Roll20

Gameplay details

What really turns me on is running RPG’s, recording them, and then turning them into books. You’re invited to join the cast list of the courageous heroes who will be immortalised in fiction novels sold on Amazon forever more...

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How will character creation work

We have a number of superhero "types" to choose from, all suitable for the 1940's wartime setting - Brick. Pugilist. Aquatic. Energy blaster. Gadget guy. Sidekick. Patriot/ Figurehead leader. Acrobat thief. Gorgeous knockout. Speedster. Flyer. Weapon Specialist. Robot. Scientist. Superspy. Alien. Experiment. Ghost. Vampire. Mythological/God, Supernatural mystic, martial artist, mentalist/psyker, metamorph, powered armour, Sink We'll create them either privately or in a session zero before the oneshot.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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