Terra 1912: Agents of Empire - with FREE digital rulebook

Terra 1912: Agents of Empire - with FREE digital rulebook

Radiance RPG on Owlbear Rodeo, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

⚔️Swords! 🔮Spells! 🚂Steam! 🤸🏾Skills! ⚗️Science! Last week you tracked down a diabolist cult, fought a rubber golem, and saved Parliament from a dynamite plot. Now you're inside the body of a gigantic Earth elemental, searching for its heart. Sometimes you think maybe your mother was right, you should have gone to law school. RADIANCE RPG is a D&D-like rules set, close enough that if you've played any edition of D&D, it will make sense to you. It's enormously flexible, as required by a world like Terra 1912. Where else can you find Cthulhoid horrors, battery powered zap-guns, wild west gunslingers, classic fantasy heroes, and sinister megacorporations all on one planet? (If that's not enough, there are ways to leave the planet).

3 years on StartPlaying

861 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need Discord and a microphone for voice. Owlbear Rodeo doesn't require any downloads or accounts; just click the link you'll be given and join in. You'll need something that can print an Excel-style spreadsheet, to print out your character sheet. Physical dice are optional, if you prefer to roll them at home rather than virtually. Access to Google docs will be very helpful as well.

What I provide

The author and publisher of Radiance has authorized free access to PDFs of the rulebook (the Radiance Player's Guide). You can view it here : https://1drv.ms/b/s!AgC-42iWlV27tDt81xyK4fxlkzas?e=AaeMQp or download it at DriveThruRPG, here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/105102/Radiance-Players-Guide-A-Complete-Roleplaying-Game-in-the-Age-of-Electrotech I'll also have it available during play and during character creation as an easily clickable asset. The Expansion Kit, the Master's Guide (aka monster manual) and hardcovers of all 3 books are available for sale at the same DriveThruRPG site. Note: I am not affiliated with the author or publisher, just a fan. I'll have a lot of the lore and history of the game world available on Google Docs, and a dedicated Discord text channel, that you can use between sessions for roleplaying and planning, but this level of participation is optional. Some folks may just want to show up at game time to play, and that’s fine.

Gameplay details

It's like history, but with dragons and goblins! Expect just enough familiarity with events and places to be surprised at the twists this version takes. The rules structure is very similar to D&D or Pathfinder, and you'll pick it up easily. This world, like nearly all fantasy worlds, echoes in some ways the Middle Ages. It adds to those influences the speculative fiction of the late 19th century, the pulp fiction of the early 20th, and the steampunk aesthetic of the Victorian and Edwardian age. As such, outdated notions and tropes of colonialism and exploitation, of class and status, of sexism and speciesism, are prevalent in many societies. Your characters may find themselves struggling against those norms, or falling prey to those assumptions. This game uses a visual "X-Card" safety tool; anyone can anonymously move the safety token from "we're fine" to "careful!" or "STOP" to indicate that the game is wandering into unsafe or uncomfortable territory.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Prebuilt characters are here; take a look! https://tinyurl.com/h9s5e8js Use one of these, or use them for inspiration to make your own. You might have already selected or created a character during a "session zero"; if not, joining or scheduling one is recommended. If joining this campaign after the first session, you MUST either schedule a character creation session at least 24 hours before the game, or choose a prebuilt character (you may be able to swap out for future sessions). Owlbear Rodeo is a bare bones map and token sharer, with optional dice engine. You'll keep your characters on paper, like in days of old.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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