Survive the Walking Dead

Survive the Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game on Discord, Fantasy Grounds

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Fellow survivors, have you also heard about the sparsely populated regions up north, once part of Canada? Rumors abound that the dead are fewer there, and micro-societies are blooming. I'll be honest, I can't confirm the truth of it all. What do you think? Should we take our chances and seek hope and survival in this promised paradise? Prepare yourselves for gut-wrenching choices and moral dilemmas in this tabletop adaptation of the acclaimed Walking Dead TV show. It's your chance to immerse yourself in an intense and atmospheric world where horror and gore lurk around every corner. When I run TTRPGs, I prioritize tailoring the gameplay to the needs and desires of my players. I understand that each group is unique, and I strive to create a dynamic and engaging experience that caters to your preferences. Whether you enjoy strategic planning, character-driven narratives, or pulse-pounding action, I adapt my storytelling and mechanics to ensure an unforgettable adventure. Of course, in a campaign set in The Walking Dead world, character development will play a significant role, and your choices will have a profound impact on the evolving world. So, why don't you join me as we explore the limits of survival, forge unlikely alliances, and confront the darkness within ourselves? Are you ready to face the horrors of the apocalypse and test your resilience in a world on the brink? Gather your fellow survivors and prepare for a campaign that will challenge your wits, emotions, and sense of humanity. Note: While the game embraces horror and gore, I prioritize player safety and consent. Boundaries will be respected, and I will work collaboratively to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all participants.


1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

Microphones will be essential for communication with me, the GM, and your fellow players. While having a webcam is not necessary, you are more than welcome to use it if you have one. To participate in the campaign, you will need to install the free version of Fantasy Ground, the platform we'll be using for our sessions. Additionally, you will have to install Discord and join the private server I've created. This server will serve as a dedicated space for everyone to engage in voice communication during the game.

What I provide

I'll provide everything necessary to bring our universe to life. I have an Ultimate license for Fantasy Ground, ensuring we have access to all the tools and features we need. Additionally, I've set up a dedicated Discord server for our communication needs. To further enhance the immersive experience, I've prepared detailed maps, character templates, and captivating storylines. When you're ready to embark on the campaign, rest assured that I am fully prepared as well.

Gameplay details

Before the start of the campaign's first session, we will have a Session 0 where we'll cover the following key points: 1. An overview of the rules and mechanics of the game, ensuring everyone is familiar with the system; 2. We will define what type of game you are looking for; either a short scenario (spanning a few sessions) or a longer campaign (spanning multiples sessions over weeks/months); 3. Discussing and making a list of your expectations, limits, preferences, and any specific themes or content to be aware of; 4. Collaboratively creating your characters and the NPCs that will accompany your group, allowing for a balanced and cohesive party. Additionally, I believe in incorporating immersive elements to enhance the gaming experience. I will employ a combination of visual aids, sounds, and Theater of the Mind techniques to vividly describe the world and engage the players. By utilizing music, atmospheric sounds, maps, and pictures, I aim to support my narration and help create a rich and immersive environment. By employing these tools, we can bring the world of The Walking Dead RPG to life, fostering a deeper connection to the story and promoting active player engagement. Together, we will create an unforgettable adventure that will test your survival skills, challenge your moral compass, and ignite your imagination.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

During Session 0, we will create your characters, and they will begin the game without any Experience Points (XP). This presents an opportunity for you to step into the shoes of a survivor in The Walking Dead RPG and develop your character as the campaign unfolds. Whether you've always wanted to portray yourself in a TTRPG or explore an alternate version of yourself in an apocalypse setting, character creation in our game is straightforward and flexible. The process allows you to adjust your Attributes, Skills, and Talents to reflect your own persona or the version of yourself you envision in this challenging world. Alternatively, you can unleash your creativity and develop a completely fictional character, free from the constraints of reality.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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