"Strange Day at the Science Expo" aka "The Tower out of Time" Funnel Edition! A DCC game for GMS

"Strange Day at the Science Expo" aka "The Tower out of Time" Funnel Edition! A DCC game for GMS

Dungeon Crawl Classics on Zoom, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Something TOTALLY GNARLY happened while everyone was at Spring Expo '88! One minute you were riding the tilt-o-whirl or heading to the science showcase when all of the sudden the sky goes red! A strange comet blazes across the sky! An alien looking tower pops into reality and ape-men emerge from it snatching up friends & family members, you run and then the world disappears! You and dozens of others wake up on strange rocks floating in the sky! Obviously you're not on Earth anymore, but where are you!?! Then you see it floating on another island, the Tower out of Time! Get ready to save your friends & get back home. . .or die trying. This is a Dungeon Crawl Classics Funnel for the Game-Master Swap Players will be able to pick their pre-generated gang of Zero Levels we'll jump right into the adventure.

4 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

Please have a mic, and a camera (though video is actually not mandatory) Have a set of polyhedral (D&D) dice or a dice rolling app of your preference.

What I provide

Any handouts needed, answers to some of your questions and adventure!

Gameplay details

Gameplay will be Theater of the mind.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character PDFs will be pre-generated. Players will be given a PDF of four Zero-Levels. I'm trusting folks to be honest about their dice rolls at home.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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