Stolen Thunder

Stolen Thunder

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Theater of the Mind, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Come along on a meaningful journey through the Savage Frontier of Faerun's Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms. The cities of smallfolk soon become the battlegrounds of dragons and giants in their attempts to seize power, appease their gods and thwart the efforts of their rivals. As winter thaws, Giantkind is stirred to action, responding to a divine call; an upheaval of ancestral traditions. What could you do to hasten an end to a conflict your people are caught between? Adventurers leverage their strength and will against the monstrous creatures of the world in this high magic heroic fantasy. How do you fit in this world? What will it become because of you? A vanguard of the guilded soldiery arrived in Waterdeep last week from the west, merchant caravan in tow. Their cohort travels north for the thawing out. The road, a void in the wake of men at arms, has been left a scar of muddy boot prints through the snow strewn fields as far east as Loudwater; filling anew with man-eating monsters and cannibal cutpurses all too eager to hunt again. Your presence added on the road to any traveller’s band all but guarantees safe journeys and easy coin. You are uniquely qualified to defend yourself from the dangers of the world. For recognition in compensation and renown you will put yourself between the helpless and harms, especially when doing so helps you achieve your own aspirations.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

The Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide is a valuable resource worth referencing should you choose to familiarize yourself with the setting of this campaign. Your character is someone who has ambition. To accomplish your goals you will work with a team while risking your life by navigating the world around you. You agree to the best of your ability to maintain the integrity of the game. We’re on the honor system. You may use your physical dice or your preferred digital dice roller. A microphone is required for participation in communication.

What I provide

With over 1000 hours of experience in this setting alone, from researching its source material to running numerous groups to completion, I will present you a sandbox ripe with an abundance of opportunities for exploration in an interactive world with friends to make, problems to solve, monsters to lay low, and lost treasures to be recovered - including Relics of Giantkind, like Annam All-Father’s axe, Sky Cleaver. I bridge the gap between your how, who, and what, with my when, where and why. I meticulously track your progress keeping a calendar with notes cataloging your movements, actions and discoveries for every in game day.

Gameplay details

“On the broadest level, everyone in a shared campaign is responsible for making sure that everyone else has an enjoyable time. If anyone feels offended, belittled, or bullied by the actions of another person, the entire purpose of getting together to play is defeated. During a play session, participants are expected to: - Follow the DM's lead and refrain from arguing with the DM or other players over rules. - Let other players speak, and allow other players to get attention from the DM. - Avoid excessive conversation that is not relevant to the adventure. - Discourage others from using social media to bully, shame, or intimidate other participants. - Make the DM or the campaign administrator aware of disruptive or aggressive behavior so that appropriate action can be taken." - Appendix A: Shared Campaigns, code of conduct "Xanathar's Guide to Everything" pg.172 The Forgotten Realms largely lacks sexual bigotry, however, it still very much depicts racism and slavery. While both slave forced labor and discrimination based on race are depicted in this setting, neither are prevalent themes in my storytelling.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters begin at first level and quickly advance up to level 5 before slowing down considerably. You can change anything about your character until 5th level. Homebrew is welcomed, however, all unofficial resources are subject to approval. Use the character sheet format of your choice. Ability Scores are generated using the 4d6 Drop the Lowest method with the following change: generate 7 results, choose 6. Characters can be adjusted during session 0. Please complete as much of your character as you can in advance.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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