Step Right Up to the Witchlight Carnival!

Step Right Up to the Witchlight Carnival!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

🧹Make Dark Bargains with Witches🎃 🗡️Draw Swords of Ancient Power ⚔️ 👑 Become Fey Royalty 🐸 "Put all your wishes into one cup and spill blood into the other...see which one fills up first..." -Endelyn Moongrave, of the Hourglass Coven. Meet a colorful cast of characters full of depth, humor, and tragedy! A perfect game for new players, while still having strategic and intense combats. You can expect this adventure to be full of well thought out stories that never shy away from getting a bit weird in the best of ways! This game comes complete with animated maps, professionally voice acted characters and soundscapes tailor made by yours truly to make for a one of a kind experience. Expect this adventure to last months on end as you will be going from level 1 to 9 or more likely higher, and be ready for an adventure full of danger, delight, and surprises at every step!

3 years on StartPlaying

434 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

I ask that my players all have a working microphone, forgeVTT and discord account set up, as well as a stable internet connection for smoothness of play. I also ask that my players consider taking notes while the game is ongoing because I offer inspiration for those who would volunteer to do a recap!

What I provide

I bring colorful battlemaps, tailored stories and worlds that match the party within them, personalized soundscapes to match the campaign and an open door policy so we can talk about how to give you the best experience in ongoing games. For this particular module I also bring hours and hours worth of additional content that can be used to better help integrate a players backstory into the Feywild and give a tailored experience for them, as well as some twists and tricks that differ from the original module to keep things fresh for players who have read or played the module before!

Gameplay details

I use Lines and Veils to ensure anything that may trigger my players gets handled, and I do not tolerate harassment of any sort within my games. We will also all get together in a session 0 to discuss expectations, and on occasion we'll be using stars and wishes. I am bi and use he/him pronouns, and I run a LGBT+ and POC inclusive game For game experience, I am well versed with the rules but believe in rule of cool when it'll bring the party as a whole the most happiness. Expect fun interactions with colorful characters and combats that serve the story and worldbuilding first and foremost before anything else! We take a 10 minute break every session to let folks get a snack and use the bathroom! As for content warnings, be weary of deceit in this game! They fey can be a tricksy sort, and aren't against twisting words to further their own ends. That being said, I try to go out of my way to talk OOC with players when this happens to make sure it's going in a direction we all find fun and exciting for the sake of a great story! If you have any questions about the content warnings know I am always happy to bend the story a bit to make sure the game is the most fun for the whole table.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

Character creation will happen via FoundryVTT, and i'm more than happy to get together with you either via text or voice to work on a character together. I allow anything officially published, with Unearthed Arcana being allowed on a case by case basis. You need to have a character concept an hour before your first time playing with us, otherwise you will need to use one of the pre-generated characters provided. At the start of the campaign we begin at level 1, and if you join later in the game you will start at the same level as the other players. For stats we will be using your choice of 4d6 drop the lowest, point buy, or standard array. I do allow players who have rolled low to switch to point buy or standard array after.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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