Steloria, A Realm of Fairytale Splendor and Daring Adventure!

Steloria, A Realm of Fairytale Splendor and Daring Adventure!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Pathfinder 1e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Steloria itself is a high fantasy setting taking place over two Era's of the World's history. The first Era is the Time of Myth, Gods walk and live amongst the people , magic is powerful and rampant in the world without any force keeping it orderly, and a veil of magic keeps the world safe from extra planar threats. The second era is the Age of Adventure. In this time the Gods are preparing a voyage to the stars, planning to create homes on other planes of existence as the veil protecting Steloria is thinning and other Gods from the multiverse are looking to stake claims on the world. While the Gods are paying less attention to the mortals around them great evils hatch plans of subversion and domination. Each Era has a ton of different adventures and places to explore, the campaigns are more story oriented though there will be combat and dangers as well. I take the time during session 0 and the time leading up to session 1 to integrate my player's characters into the world, I will make as many world details transparent as possible without spoiling the plot to make character creation easier on players.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Discord is required for this game and is a free voice and video software. We will choose as a group whether or not we will use any other virtual media such as Roll20, D&D Beyond, or Tabletop Simulator. Players are required to at least have a microphone though a Headset is preferred. Video cameras are not required. While a basic understanding of the rules of Dungeons and Dragons 5e or Pathfinder 1e is preferred I am more than willing to assist new players in learning the rules and will plan accordingly.

What I provide

I have a plethora of PDFs I can provide access to as needed, I will bring art assets for the campaign, and custom character art for the players.

Gameplay details

This Game will have a Session 0 to discuss things such as comfort levels and what boundaries the players have, as well as how we would like to handle taking breaks mid session. R rated content is not allowed in this game and anything of that nature that might be an exception should occur "Off Screen" so to speak. If any players have something that makes them personally uncomfortable but isn't covered in the Session 0 and they would rather not share with the group they can message me privately to talk about it. A typical session will include roleplaying with the environment and NPCs around the characters. Selecting missions and making goals as a group, depending on the type of mission this could lead to combat, political intrigue, mysteries, puzzles or more. Player's will be able to forge bonds with each other and NPCs that could help or hinder them in future sessions. There will be both standard and custom magical treasures to be found and if we happen to play near a holiday I will plan a holiday themed event if the players desire it.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters will start between Level 1 and 3 depending on group consensus. The character creation process will be discussed and worked on leading up to session 1, we will have a session 0 to work on characters as well. I will make myself available to answer character creation questions over discord and to help flesh out backstories as needed. I can provide players with PDFs if requested and am willing to look at homebrew if it is desired, though I retain the right to not permit homebrew at my discretion.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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