Star Wars: After The Empire

Star Wars: After The Empire

Star Wars D20 on Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session


About the adventure

This Star Wars d20 Revised Edition game takes place in the New Republic era of the galaxy. The Galactic Empire has fallen, the New Republic is transitioning to a democratic government, the imperial remnants are desperately seeking to find Admiral Thrawn, Luke Skywalker is building a new Jedi Temple in hopes of training the next generation of Jedi, and the Outer Rim is mostly lawless. The galaxy is changing, and who knows what these changes will bring? But rumors of something dark are circulating among the many worlds and space stations of the galaxy...

Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a discord account and be able to accept message requests on discord. You will receive an invite to a discord server where I will assign you a special role allowing you access to the channel the game takes place in. The game will use the voice channel to communicate, while a text channel will be used to share image files or other relevant information for the game. Digital dice rolls using Dice Maiden commands will be accepted, and typing in the text channel is permitted if voice doesn't work for you.

What I provide

I have the book(s) needed for this campaign, as well as enough notebooks and pencils for everyone. I have enough dice for everyone as well, though you are free to bring your own.

Gameplay details

This game will begin with a session zero to discuss anything and everything we want to expect and not expect in the game. During the game, anyone can leave at any time without penalty or judgment. Being late to a session or missing a session is likewise perfectly alright. Anyone may call for a break from the game, whether for a short 15 minutes, or even for the rest of the session. If anyone needs to talk about anything that may be affecting them, that is perfectly alright. At the end of each session we will go over how we felt about the game, highlight anything we particularly liked or disliked, and bring up any problems we had with the game content, environment, or behaviors by anyone at the table. Healthy communication helps make sure we're all having fun.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

How will character creation work

Level 10 characters. There are pre-made characters I created, or you can create your own character in session zero. To create your own character, use the Star Wars d20 Revised Edition rulebook. You may select a species not listed in the book and I will work with you to assign appropriate species traits. Roll 4d6, discarding the lowest result, and sum the rest. Do this 6 times and arrange in any order. You may enter play with levels in a prestige class, provided you qualify for that prestige class. You may play as a droid using the rules for droid player characters in the rulebook.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: High

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Open to all

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