Star Trek Adventures:  Taurus Reach

Star Trek Adventures: Taurus Reach

Star Trek Adventures on Roll20, Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Starfleet is assembling a crew to "Go boldly where no one has gone before", as an officer of the bridge crew aboard the Federation Heavy Cruiser USS Endeavour (NCC-1895) refitted as a multi-role explorer, assigned in 2285 to Galaxy Exploration Command on a five-year mission to survey and catalog the planets and phenomena of the Taurus Reach Sector, on the Frontier of Federation Space, bordering the Klingon Empire and Tholian space. This will be a teaching game for players new to the Star Trek Adventures® system by Modiphius, or new to role-playing in general. Players will portray a main bridge officer character, along with the potential for support characters: "Red Shirt™" security guards or Supporting Characters: Junior Officers and Enlisted characters from the lower decks, with the player's choice of Supporting character from a pool that they select in each scenario. If the mission at hand is not going to have a specific medical mission focus that will require medical staff, the person portraying the ship's surgeon could take a security guard, operation specialist, engineering technician, or astrobiology specialist to support the rest of the team. The ship's First Officer could portray a junior engineer on a technical repair mission, where it would be too dangerous for the XO to supervise directly. This gives players a role, and Star Trek something to do in each scenario. The rules fully support this "troupe style" of play.

DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer
Voice Actor
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, World Builder, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

A working microphone with good sound quality will be required, webcams are optional but not required. No need to read rules ahead of time. This is a teaching game so the game master will teach as we go. All dice rolled will be virtual dice.

What I provide

The game master has hardback books of Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius, including the core Rules book command operations and Sciences division books and all four quadrant books as well as Captain's Log: Star Trek Solo Adventures.

Gameplay details

Players can expect to play in character for the majority of play, except for questions about skill or combat task resolution in accordance with the tropes and expectations of Starfleet officers within one of the Paramount television shows or films. The themes planned are light-hearted, strongly heroic /swashbuckling Space Opera epic Adventures, with occasional darker scenarios similar to what was seen in episodes of the Original Series, The Next Generatio, but not as dark and gritty on a regular basis as Deep Space Nine. At least passing familiarity with Star Trek is recommended but not strictly required. Please note that the game master will not accept "secret Romulan spies who are acting like Vulcans" or "Klingon agents with changed genetics deeply embedded in Starfleet." Ground combat and space combat will be normal and expected components of each episode, and player knowledge of space and ground tactics as set forth within the Star Trek universe will be helpful but not strictly necessary. Puzzles per se or riddles and similar will be a minimal part of each scenario, if at all. There could be scenarios which will involve deductive science or inductive logic, or exploration and clues discovered to illuminate the matter at hand. No role-playing experience is necessary, this is planned to be a teaching game. Veteran players of Star Trek Adventures or prior Star Trek role-playing game editions (FASA, Last Unicorn Games) will be welcomed. The game master also asks that the players respect the campaign and try not to have arguments over Star Trek Canon, as there are too many books films and television series to keep track of it all. The game master further advises that the basic tenets of Star Trek will not be violated by the game master. No request for cross-genre fantasy or other Space Opera intellectual property characters will be honored. There will be no Space Orcs, nor Force powers nor lightsabers from Star Wars in this Star Trek campaign. Additionally I want to emphasize again: no Vulcan officer characters who are actually disguised Romulans trying to undermine the Federation.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

Pre-generated characters of various ranks, skills, responsibilities, and individual personalities will be provided as pre generated characters, but players can meet with the game master at least 4 days prior to the next scenario with an outline, or some basic ideas for a character that we will develop.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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