Something's Cooking - World of Pan'gaea

Something's Cooking - World of Pan'gaea

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.75 to 3.25 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

On the far outskirts of town, the wizard-chef Andolyn and her husband Gendrew live a quiet and peaceful life on their farm. Our heroes have been invited to join them tonight for a lovely, relaxing dinner party. But fate has other plans in store, and our heroes are in for an evening they won't soon forget! This is a 3-hour one-shot adventure for 1-5 3rd level 5e characters. The one-shot can be expanded into a full campaign if there is sufficient interest. Adapted from the adventure Something's Cooking, by Andy Collins. ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the World of Pan'gaea, where food, magic, and puns are just three sides of the same samosa! Wizard-chefs travel the realms, developing new and magical meals. Rangers and rogues risk their lives tracking down and acquiring the rarest ingredients. Devout clerics pass on the traditional recipes from generation to generation within their orders. Warlocks sign contracts with dark forces in exchange for their quick and dirty culinary secrets. The current era may be a relatively peaceful one, but just below the surface, evil is simmering! Pan'gaea is a whimsical and light-hearted fantasy world. Spellcasting and magic is based on food – especially food puns. Mechanically, the game follows the same rules as typical Dungeons & Dragons, but narrative spellcasting is the product of cooking – typically by eating it, feeding it to the target, or maybe just throwing the food! For example a character might... ...cast 'Burning Hands' by eating a large spoonful of extra hot curry and then spewing a cone of flames. ...cast 'Cure Wounds' on an ally by feeding them a piece of cured meat. ...cast 'Ray of Frost' by throwing a frosted cupcake at their foe. Don't let yourself worry your punning might not be up to scratch. We all help each other, working together to have a great time. In the kitchen of punning, many cooks most definitely do -not- spoil the fun! Not everything has to perfectly line up with food, magic, AND puns all the time – two out of three ain't bad! The World of Pan'gaea doesn't have very strict rules about how the magic system works. A Charm Person spell might just a chocolate chip cookie that tastes SO GOOD that it makes a creature want to be your friend – at least for an hour. A character might wield a flintlock pistol that fire pellets of Gunpowder green tea or a giant cooking utensil as a weapon. The important thing is to have fun in a silly food-centric fantasy world!

Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

631 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A microphone is required to participate. A webcam is encouraged, but not necessary. I will have my camera on, and I'd love to see you too! We will be using Discord and Roll20 to play, so you will need (free) accounts for both of them. You might want to download the Discord client as well. Dice and character sheets will be handled within Roll20. You will be expected to have access to any source books or other content your character is built using unless you are using a pre-generated character.

What I provide

As GM, I will provide the adventure itself, including maps and tokens. I will provide pre-generated character options. Dice rolling will be handled through Roll20.

Gameplay details

This game contains alcohol and peril, comparable to a PG rated film. We will use X-cards during play as a safety tool. Please let me know if there are additional things I need to be aware of to maintain your comfort and safety. Racism, transphobia, ableism, and all other discrimination will not be tolerated.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

You may either choose from a list of available pre-generated characters or create your own that fits within the setting. Please send your character sheet to me at least 24 hours before the game time for approval. I am available to talk through character creation ahead of time. Player characters are 3rd level with starting equipment. Any published material is available, and homebrew and customization will be allowed, subject to review. Sample characters (for use or inspiration) can be found at the following url:

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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