Sins of Swordcoast

Sins of Swordcoast

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Advanced

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"Whispers of a great evil sweeping into your peaceful lands. What it is, no one knows. As disturbing horrific rumors pour into the bustling cities along the Swordcoast, fear is tightening its grip. All hope is lost, or so it would seem...What will you do? What can you do? You can fight!!" Political intrigue, Dungeon crawling, Find love, Lead armies, Build your own empire, Start a family, Save the world Played TWICE a week at 7pm pst Games last 3 hours Hi my name is Rocco and I'll be DM'ing a Homebrewed 5E Swordcoast FR Campaign I'm attentive/creative/respectful/helpful/on time/reliable/enthusiastic/laid back/fun/hard working I've been playing for 40+ years I spend a lot of hours every day on writing/making maps/building worlds/ect I never cancel sessions/never flake/never late/never play in a bad mood I spent (and continue to spend) a lot of money on roll20 add-ons/maps/tokens/map patreons/ect My DM style is FAST with a mix of RP and combat (60/40) I use sound effects for monsters/people/instruments/ect and ambient backgrounds unique to locations I often do not require roles for checks to speed up the game RULES are a mix of 5E and Homebrew Weakened/changed certain spells/abilities - Find Familiar/Polymorph/Healing Spirit/Resurrection/Conjure Woodland Beings/Heat Metal/Light Spell (cannot cast on something you cannot see) This is a "grittier" game - thus leveling will be slower - so that you can enjoy the struggle of each level. HIGH CHANCE OF DEATH (especially early on) (so be extra careful, be afraid, stay together, and have party combat tactics worked out) Leveling will only be done at a city/town/druid encampment/temple/wandering trainer Gaining a level is based off of accomplishments not XP Use the average HP gain for leveling up Use critical hit/fail charts for melee/range/spells INITIATIVE is handled automatically (speeds up the game tremendously) [Adds your bonuses thru macros Roll20 Coding] Rolling a 1 is ALWAYS A FAILURE Rolling a 20 is ALWAYS A SUCCESS Added a COMELINESS stat (RP only) to determine how attractive or ugly your character is (player can choose any number between 8-18) Use ETHOS (piety) - If you rely on a god to give you powers or strength or guidance/ect starts at 0 every heroic action (based on your deity) raises it 1 point every despicable act (based on your deity) lowers it 1 point +6 or -6 is the max whenever a +6 is reached something unexpected happens benefiting that player (within the narrative of the story) Whenever a -6 is reached something unexpected happens penalizing that player (within the narrative of the story) This is a HEAVY ROLE-PLAYING adventure - NOT A COMBAT VIDEO GAME You WILL BE CHALLENGED in combat (so expect a hard fight) - DO NOT have the mentality you should "Win every time and easily" You are NOT HEROES YET...You are always vulnerable...having to rely on your wits, ingenuity, and working together MONSTERS ARE NOT SCALED TO FIT YOUR will encounter things far deadlier than you. LOOKING FOR COLLABORATOR PLAYERS NOT CONSUMER PLAYERS COLLABORATOR PLAYERS are that rare wonderful player that really gets into their character, they do an accent, draws a crest with their family tree, thinks and talks about the game when not playing, and wants to work to create a truly sublime gaming experience. Consumer Players just want something to do in their spare time, when not playing it's "out of sight out of mind", during the game they want fewer challenges and don't want to "think too hard". Use spell components (which you have to buy and have in your inventory and announce during casting) Use (homebrew) flanking "attack from behind without being seen" gets advantage (for baddies too) No PVP (unless under an enemies spell) Track (magic only) ammo Only a rogue can check for traps with THIEVES TOOLS (rolls once for an entire level/floor in a dungeon/castle/cave/ect) NO DARKVISION OR BLINDSIGHT (use your top stat bonus modifier for additional skills or proficiency's instead) Track encumbrance (can't exceed your max) NO THROWING TORCHES AHEAD OF YOU / NO USING MAGE HAND FOR HOLDING A LIGHT / NO USING UNSEEN SERVANT HOLDING A LIGHT / NO USING PETS WITH LIGHTS ON THEM SCOUTING AHEAD / NO CASTING LIGHT SPELLS AHEAD OF THE PARTY ON OBJECTS / ECT ..... "If you want to see what's around that dark corner...go see for yourself" Conjuration Limit - All creatures and players can only summon 1 creature at a time (to speed up combat) Using a potion is a bonus action (giving it to someone else is an action) When a wizard levels up, the spells available to learn, depend on the wizard training them (or found spellbooks) Any damage made from a spell is inherently magical Only a spell that has an ongoing duration can be dispelled (example DAWN spell cast from an EVO wizard after the initial casting round, cannot protect party members from the damage) Harvesting monster remains, creating potions/poisons, enchanting items, ect - ALL ENCOURAGED THE JOURNEY HAPPENS ON A SHIP/HORSE/CARRIAGE/WALK NO planar traveling spells / NO "future telling" spells / NO magic long distance traveling spells / NO magic long distance communication spells (sending...ect) - (BUT the Blink spell is not considered a traveling spell) Always be ON TIME and RELIABLE on game days Take notes during the game Always ask NPC's these 6 QUESTIONS - "Who? What? When? Why? Where? How?" Please be attentive/creative/enthusiastic/fun/optimistic/interesting/FAST THINKING Please let other players talk and give their input throughout game Please do not talk during someone else's turn Please do not talk over people Please do not complain, whine, or be negative in any way (this is a positive, upbeat group) If you die you easy-going about it NEVER ARGUE WITH THE DM Please do not say, "Here comes the TPK" or "The DM is trying to kill us" or "You're going to kill me" (It is NOT the DM vs Players) Please be respectful and nice Please do not tell people how to play their character No "bossy leader types" taking over the game from the other players Engaged is awesome...but everyone has to speak the same amount No yelling at other players or getting angry Please fill out character data completely on character sheet (Spells/Backstory/Factions/Deity/ect) Experienced D&D5e Players Only Experienced Roll20 Players Only Role Playing Voice Preferred "Talking things out instead of fighting (rolling persuasion/insight/intimidation/ect) can sometimes garner greater rewards...and save your life" DO NOT MAKE A CHARACTER BASED ON MAXING "Min/Max" MAKE A CHAR BASED ON ROLE-PLAYING NO MURDER HOBO'S Use DISCORD for voice/text journals/quest journals/npc descriptions/party combat strategy/ect NO CHEATING with stats/abilities/ect (if caught will be kick - No second chances) - "ignorance is not an excuse" 3 Dimensional Character Basically a real person, someone who thinks, reacts, learns, struggles, and overcomes. Think of your life and how it molded you, how people have affected you, and you them. "Does your character embrace their vulnerabilities and flaws?" CLASS CHOICES - only Wizard/Fighter/Rogue/Cleric/Bard/Paladin/Ranger/Druid/Barbarian SUB-CLASS CHOICES (NO Horizon Walker / NO Path of the Ancestral Guardian / NO Arcane Archer / NO School of Necromancy / NO School of Divination) RACE CHOICES - only Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Half-Orc, Halfling Abilities: 27 point buy (Starting level 1) DETAILED BACKSTORY: Be sure to include LOVES, HATES, FEARS, MOTIVATIONS, GOALS, DREAMS, SECRETS This is a "RICH VIBRANT WORLD" where looking for love/sex/abusing vices/having meaningful friendships with NPC's, finding/making a home, starting a business, joining a faction, having a family, building a temple/church, ect - are all expected (This is your world to explore and escape into) BE PROACTIVE Warrior Player Type (aka Murder Hobo/Min-Max) "lf it moves, kill it. lf it doesn't move kick it 'til it moves. Take its stuff. Buy bigger weapons. Kill bigger things." If this describes your gaming style NEED NOT APPLY Please watch THESE VIDEOS if you have the time (they've helped me get better) My Secret on Running Great RPG’s AND Roleplaying by Matthew Colville AND "The Best D&D Players..." AND "3 Ways on Not Being a Useless Player at Your Table" AND "The Problem with Charisma in D&D" AND The DM is also a Player, Running The Game Experienced D&D5e Players Only Experienced Roll20 Players Only

Additional Details

How to prepare

LOOKING FOR COLLABORATOR PLAYERS NOT CONSUMER PLAYERS COLLABORATOR PLAYERS are that rare wonderful player that really gets into their character, they do an accent, draws a crest with their family tree, thinks and talks about the game when not playing, and wants to work to create a truly sublime gaming experience. Consumer Players just want something to do in their spare time, when not playing it's "out of sight out of mind", during the game they want fewer challenges and don't want to "think too hard".

What I provide

Hi my name is Rocco and I'll be DM'ing a Homebrewed 5E Swordcoast FR Campaign I'm attentive/creative/respectful/helpful/on time/reliable/enthusiastic/laid back/fun/hard working I've been playing for 40+ years I spend a lot of hours every day on writing/making maps/building worlds/ect I never cancel sessions/never flake/never late/never play in a bad mood I spent (and continue to spend) a lot of money on roll20 add-ons/maps/tokens/map patreons/ect My DM style is FAST with a mix of RP and combat (60/40) I use sound effects for monsters/people/instruments/ect and ambient backgrounds unique to locations I often do not require roles for checks to speed up the game RULES are a mix of 5E and Homebrew Weakened/changed certain spells/abilities - Find Familiar/Polymorph/Healing Spirit/Resurrection/Conjure Woodland Beings/Heat Metal/Light Spell (cannot cast on something you cannot see) This is a "grittier" game - thus leveling will be slower - so that you can enjoy the struggle of each level.

Gameplay details

Mature Themes, Adult Language

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

3 Dimensional Character Basically a real person, someone who thinks, reacts, learns, struggles, and overcomes. Think of your life and how it molded you, how people have affected you, and you them. "Does your character embrace their vulnerabilities and flaws?" CLASS CHOICES - only Wizard/Fighter/Rogue/Cleric/Bard/Paladin/Ranger/Druid/Barbarian SUB-CLASS CHOICES (NO Horizon Walker / NO Path of the Ancestral Guardian / NO Arcane Archer / NO School of Necromancy / NO School of Divination) RACE CHOICES - only Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Half-Orc, Halfling Abilities: 27 point buy (Starting level 1) DETAILED BACKSTORY: Be sure to include LOVES, HATES, FEARS, MOTIVATIONS, GOALS, DREAMS, SECRETS This is a "RICH VIBRANT WORLD" where looking for love/sex/abusing vices/having meaningful friendships with NPC's, finding/making a home, starting a business, joining a faction, having a family, building a temple/church, ect - are all expected (This is your world to explore and escape into) BE PROACTIVE Warrior Player Type (aka Murder Hobo/Min-Max) "lf it moves, kill it. lf it doesn't move kick it 'til it moves. Take its stuff. Buy bigger weapons. Kill bigger things." If this describes your gaming style NEED NOT APPLY

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Advanced

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