Shadow of the Wendigo

Shadow of the Wendigo

Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

The winter night in Chicago is a canvas of shadows and silver light. Snow blankets the city's shoulders like a shroud, and the wind, sharp as a shard of ice, nips hungrily at your cheeks. As you stride through the desolate streets, the echo of your footsteps is a lonely drumbeat in the otherwise silent urban expanse. Above, the skyscrapers loom, their darkened windows watching, unblinking, over the chill that has settled in the air—a chill that seems to seep into your very bones. You can't help but feel a prickle of unease as you pass by the alleys and doorways where darkness pools, thick and palpable. There's a sense that you're not alone, a whispering notion that eyes, unseen, track your movement. You cast a glance over your shoulder, but there's only the swirling dance of snowflakes. With a quickened pace, you press on, telling yourself it's just the wind's murmuring through the steel canyons. Yet the feeling persists—a gaze as cold as the winter's breath itself, fixated upon you, ancient and inscrutable. It's the city itself that watches, or perhaps something that lies beneath its wintry guise, waiting with the patience of eons for the night to deepen. You shake off the feeling and move forward, but the sensation of being watched lingers, as enduring as the cold. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shadow of the Wendigo is a Mage/Werewolf crossover game set in the World of Darkness. You will be part of a group of 4 to 6 mages and werewolves who have formed a tense and temporary alliance to hunt the darkness that haunts these old streets. It's getting cold... too cold, even for Chicago weather. Someone or... some thing... is behind it and it's up to you to discover what that is and put a stop to it. Will you tap into the fundamental forces of reality or hunt with the spirits as a rage filled beast? Either way, watch yourself... there's a nasty Chill in the air and it bodes ill for everyone.

2 years on StartPlaying

227 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a mic as well as a discord and roll20 account so that you can participate in the voice chat and dice rolling. It won't hurt to have a character concept in mind but I do not require you to have filled out anything on your character sheet prior to session 0.

What I provide

I will bring dice, tools, character tokens and upon request also character art. I'll also bring music, maps, and provide you with character sheets to use in game as well as instructions regarding how to fill out the character sheet.

Gameplay details

Once you join I will provide you a link to the discord channel, on which you will also find a link to the roll20 which we will use for music, dice rolling and video games. I'll also provide you a consent checklist you can use to mark lines and veils. Beyond that most of the other safety measures are by request or private direct messaging over discord, however if I sense that you are having difficulty I will also make sure to talk to you after game to go over potential difficulties with the content.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Bleed

  • Breaks

  • Lines and Veils

  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Most players will have characters done before or during session 0, just from what I have observed so far, but we will still have a session 0 to go over safety tools and group expectations anyway so any incomplete character sheets can be worked on as a group during that time. Besides that, if you come into the game later on I will give you a one on one session 0 to go over what you'll need to know.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High

  • Roleplay: High

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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