SCP Exploration Mission: Site 117-G: the Glass House

SCP Exploration Mission: Site 117-G: the Glass House

Chronicles of Darkness on Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to the Exploration of Site 117G! This game takes part in the SCP Universe, utilizing existing SCPs as well as some new ones to find! Your mission briefing: The Foundation is sending MTF Omega-4, The Rustwalkers, to investigate Site 117-G, The Glass House. It was a Marshall, Carter and Dark facility used as a casino, auction house and hotel that was anomalous in nature. They also did research there. Three days prior to your arrival, the occupants of the facility mysteriously vanished, only one survivor so far has been found, which is how the Foundation found out. The objectives for the team: 1: Rescue a Chaos Insurgency defector. 2: Said defector is in possession of a hard drive and a case of unknown size, shape or description. Those must be retrieved as well, regardless of if the defector lives. 3: Return any survivors you may come across. 4: Catalog or note any SCPs in the facility for an Acquisition Team to pick up. Godspeed, MTF Commander Holt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not familiar with Chronicles of Darkness or TTRPG? DONT WORRY! Its easy to learn as we play! Make sure you have a bunch of D10s though, otherwise Onyx Path has an app you can download called Onyx Dice that does the same thing. **DISCLAIMER/WARNING** I tried to keep as much content written for this game as original as possible, taking inspiration from things. However, I'm sure some stuff may come up that I don't own, nor do I pretend to own. The upcoming game is a HORROR game with comedy to keep things light cuz who wants to be gloomy the whole time. If you have any sort of issues with body horror, death or viscera, please know you have been warned as this game contains all of those things. If you have any issues with the descriptions of bodies in various states of decay, desiccation, deformation, decapitation, disdendment or otherwise, I'm sorry. If you need a moment at any point during the game, just say so and step away. There are things that CAN and WILL likely try to kill you. Just be aware that these sorts of scenarios are meant to induce some sort of emotional response of anxiety and panic. You can always step away if you need a moment. If there is any subject that is a hard no to talk about, let me know in private.

Published Writer
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

120 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need discord for chat and we will need to discuss character archetypes or limits if you want to make your characters.

What I provide

Premade characters for those who need it or help with writing a new character.

Gameplay details

Tactical investigation, using researching skills as well as deduction to survive.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

In a free session 0, we can create your characters custom from base archetypes or use one of the many premade characters I have available. Just add your own backstory and personality!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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