Scion: Ragnarok

Scion: Ragnarok

Scion 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 7 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Be a child of a God. Develop powers from across the pantheons. See your powers come to fruition and battle long-laid plottings by antagonists old enough to say, "Back in my day, we didn't have plural". Ragnarok Specific Be a child of a Norse God. Know the end is near and that those moments are what you plan to hold out and resist. Be the next generation fixing the problems of the old guard. know that the world turns, the Jotunwurm eats and the treachery reaches new heights. The gods will help, hinder, and host monsters and memories alike. Will the runes eat at your mind or will the blood of brothers hang you from the world tree alone


3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcam is nice to see reaction faces of good and sad moments in stories, but not absolutely required. Microphone is nice, but not required. If absent, the player will need to be a decent typist to keep up with speed. Spelling not a huge issue. The main book Scion:Hero 1E is where the brunt of the rules are. Dice are easily findable online or at game stores. You will need a maximum of 20D10 or less(Never seen higher).

What I provide

IF we are in person, yes, I can provide more dice than we need. I live .2 miles from the game store of Phoenix AZ. I do not know how to draw, but am certainly willing to let players go nuts with amazing artwork and stylistic improvements. I will be provideing Maps for key moments, but as Scion has characters who end up with comic-book level powers, like THOR, an adequate map would be mile-sized and have pixel-sized heroes in scale, Ha ha. I will be providing massive amounts of journals and artwork on foundry that you are more than welcome to copy and take home. I also believe in "Previous PC walk-on" roles where previous players might see older characters. "I know that guy! He is a friend from work!"

Gameplay details

This game the possibility for love stories, but, like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age, none of them become possible without PC agreement. I will be using Lines and Veils as well as the N,O,X-cards?

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will be generally be done one-on-one beforehand. We will have a Session Zero where all the party members meet up and the players discuss their planned roles in the story. I have all 5 books and a home-made excel document that helps do the math. It is the most detailed sheet I have ever done for a game. Sending me the document in Google drive is fine, but reading the document on Drive will mess up the formatting terribly. I will just download it. We will not be looking at the same character sheet at the same time. I am okay with that. I believe in the honor system.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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