

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

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  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to Salara, an advanced and wonderous world with an array of fascinating and diverse inhabitants. In this land, a blend of science and the arcane is becoming ever-present as its people rediscover a freshly reawakened, ancient magic. In spite of Salara's seemingly bright future, however, there is a grim underbelly that exists behind closed doors. For over three hundred years the lands of Salara, once abundant with Mana, was just a shallow husk of its former self. It was a mystery as to how the mana vanished from this land, but it’s disappearance took a toll not only on the planet, but its inhabitants as well. The people of this world relied on Mana, using it to power their machines and defend themselves. Without their arcane defenses, Salarians were left powerless to the dangers of the world. Monsters of all kinds were free to do as they pleased with no fear of retaliation. With Mana gone and access to the Weave severed, Salara's major governments were left with very few options that didn't involve either scouring the planet for gifted individuals whose abilities didn't rely on these sources, or investing precious time and resources into developing the technology needed to fight back. Eventually, as a final measure to combat these creatures, certain Salarian corporations underwent a full technological boom. No longer hidden in their cities, the people of Salara began to push out and fight back, finally gaining a foothold and reclaiming their world thanks to the advancements made by said corporations. A collection of established corporations with their vast income and resources were able to easily fund the technological revolution necessary to keep Salarians at large safe from things that went bump in the night. Around the world, they began to dish out revenue and resources to as many research and development departments as possible. With their intervention in the worlds affairs, the public opinion of these corporations drastically changed to a more positive one. Before the aid they provided, however, the reputation that most of these corporations had garnered caused much distrust between them and the people they served. To this day a majority of Salara’s population still bares resentment for these corporations. During the technological boom, (or the great expansion), these corporations expanded to the point of becoming mega corporations. They had enough power to rival or even in some cases dwarf governments around the world. Through diplomatic negotiations or even black mailing in some cases, these mega corporations were able to convince entire governments to give them control over certain territories around the world; for example Detroit is under control of the Ares corporation. In the case of the US, entire states and more can be under a single mega corporation. This is called extraterritoriality. (Extraterritoriality is the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law.) Soon the great expansion grew to the point where cities pushed further out nearly tripling in size. With the spread of these cities, natural environments began dwindling with only 20% of Salara’s environments remaining intact. It was a cause for concern for many years, and the advent of cleaner burning fuel and safer energy consumption had come too late. With how quickly resources were being expended, experts were giving the people of Salara 50 or so years to fix the issue. Soon the world was once again faced with a challenge that could very well lead to its end. In the face of Salara's ever-looming demise, however, a change that no one could have ever predicted led to the rebirth of the planet: the reintroduction of mana into the world. It started slow in the beginning with children just being born with mana, but then people who were already well into their teens and adult years started showing signs as well. It wasn't long before 20% of the planet's population had the gift of the arcane back in them. There were a lot of significant changes that followed what many would come to call the Rekindling. Up and coming mega corporations that sought out users of the arcane came into power while others just couldn't keep up any more. With the world in the process of being brought back to life by mana, not only did a few ancient beings get their magic back, but it awakened the magic within the bloodlines. Descendants of druids, clerics and sorcerers gained the ability to tap into the power that their ancestors once used. Currently, the amount of magic users on the planet sits at a slowly growing 35%. The current state of the world is a peaceful one...or at least that's what certain people would like to believe. After the corporate wars, a lot of these companies did their best to reduce their actions while out in the open, but this doesn't mean their shady business practices stopped there. If you want the truth then here it is: the world is just one giant bed of corruption. You either die fighting it, or die a cog in the machine. You’ll never win, but you can always lose. Those who reap the benefits of being a part of these corporations love it, but it's fairly obvious how others feel. There are dozens of ways you can make it in this world: the gangs are always looking for the right man to do a dirty job, the military could always use another helping hand, if you are athletic, then there’s a large variety of sports to choose from, and of course there's always a need for doctors, hackers, and contract killers. If you play your cards right, however, perhaps you'll make it to the top and become part of one of these mega corporations.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Mic is a must, you can use webcam if you wish.

What I provide

Use ya real dice or the virtual ones on roll20 or discord. Just don't cheat me, or I will have to fold you.

Gameplay details

Its basically a sand box world. It will taking place in the mega city of New Detroit. Like any type of cyberpunk setting the city is the main hub and is huge and hopefully filled with a decent amount of things to entertain the players.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

level 5 and character creation can happen after I give ya the run down.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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