Remnants of the Past

Remnants of the Past

Star Wars D20 on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

A thousand years ago the mightiest of Jedi and Sith raged war across the Galaxy, Revan and Malek once heroes of the Republic and the Order brought near destruction with the Star Forge. In the millennia since the destruction of the mighty Sith weapon of war, the Galaxy has seen the two factions continuously take the Galaxy further into war. That was until 35 years ago when the Sith Empire suddenly vanished. While many believe that the Wars may finally be over, there are some who believe that it is only a matter of time before the darkness reemerges. Most within the Republic and even within the Order have begun to let themselves fall into the stupor that comes with peace, believing that the threats are gone for good. Only time will truly tell if the Light has won or if there are remnants of the past just waiting to strike again Meanwhile in the shadows something grows, whispers on the far edges of the Galaxy that have not yet made it to the Order and the Republic. A few lesser Sith have been spotted and dealt with, leaving many to believe that either this is the last remnants of Lord Viciate's army. Only time will tell if these are the last remnants of the past, or if the growing darkness in the shadows is the beginning of something more sinister. ******** The game is a complete original campaign set during the time of the Old Republic set in the year 2638 BBY, a thousand years after the death of Revan and the events of the Star Forge (KOTOR & KOTOR II). The campaign will start at first level and will run through at minimum 15th level. There will be a mixture of Legends and Disney Cannon though with a heavy leaning on Legends as well as some original planets and locations on known planets created specifically for the campaign. The campaign will be conducted weekly using the Star Wars d20 Revised Edition game system and rules with homebrew rules as needed. We will be using Roll20 for maps, dice, character sheets, and combat. Voice and text communication will be handled through Discord

Voice Actor
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

26 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need: A account for the game. A Discord account for voice and text communication outside of the game. A microphone for voice (having discord does not immediately grant you voice abilities). A copy of the books or other material that you are going to be using if unofficial or fan made errata has been approved for you to use.

What I provide

I will be bringing the story, NPCs, and several of the maps used for the game. Some of the Major NPCs will be given their own voice, while I will also attempt to give those with a canon voice a voice similar to their own (please note that I may not always stay in character voice). House Rules and Adjustments to races as well as a few homebrew races that are not presented in the books. If all players agree and sessions are video recorded, I will provide free copies of the .mp4 recordings made through OBS, otherwise there will be no extras provided. These will be made available via email as well as through an unlisted playlist on my youtube channel that all players will be provided access to.

Gameplay details

Hello and welcome, I am Avix your GM and I thank you for taking the time to check out the game and read over the information. Please ensure that you read not only this but all other documentation before joining to ensure that you are a good fit for this game and to ensure that you understand all that will be expected of you and offered. The game is a complete original campaign set during the time of the Old Republic set in the year 2638 BBY. The campaign will start at first level and will run through at minimum 15th level. There will be a mixture of Legends and Disney Cannon though with a heavy leaning on Legends as well as some original planets and locations on known planets created specifically for the campaign. The campaign will be conducted weekly using the Star Wars d20 Revised Edition game system and rules with homebrew rules as needed. Joining the game is straight forward you simply join the roll20 game, once you have joined on roll20 you will then need to PM Avix directly for an invite to the Discord Server that we will be using for Voice Chat during the game sessions and out of game communications, you will also need to join here on StartPlaying in order to process your payment for the game. Once you have been added to the discord you will need to schedule a time with Avix to meet via voice to discuss the game information as well as any initial questions, concerns, and other information. If you decide to play something other than official errata, this is will be the time to discuss them. Player created characters will be made by rolling for the stats using the Core Book system rules. The following Rules Apply to All Players: 1. All Players are to be on time, ready to play and focused. If you are going to be on a planned absence you must report this to Avix within 48 hours of game time. 2. We are LGBTQ+ Friendly. 3. All players are to respect each other, disrespect, harassment, and any forms drama, etc. will not be tolerated. 4. Only Official Errata will be allowed unless approved by Avix. 6. Content is to be kept PG-13, all players should ensure that their characters and roleplay are kept thus. 7. Payments will be made through StartPlaying prior to game start. All players will be expected to be on good behavior during the session and to monitor their use of language. As stated above all material for the game is to be kept PG-13, mature themes and content will not be allowed. IF your use of language cannot be monitored then this is not the game for you. Players are not expected to be on camera during the session, but will be required to be on voice in the Discord. Please ensure that you read any of the informational posts within the roll20 in regards to joining the game as well as within the Discord once invited into it after you join the game and DM for the invite on Roll20 (please note that invitation is the only way into the Discord). We will be using the RPG Safety Tools Add-on for Roll20 which includes a Lines and Veils and other information sheet as well as Safety Cards for players and the GM to check in or let others know that they are starting to feel or have already reached the point of feeling uncomfortable with the current events in game due to their Triggers/RP Limits. Sesson 0 will consist of character creation if you have not already done so before the game, as well as discussing any limits (hard or soft), as well as other pertinent information about the game and your preferences. If there is something that you do not wish to discuss in front of the other players then you will need to schedule a private discord meeting with me prior to the game start. Before and after each game I will give everyone plenty of time to discuss with each other and myself any important discussions that need to be handled as well as to provide feedback regarding the campaign, their characters, how they personally feel and so on. I also keep an open door policy in which you are able to reach out to me at any time with any concerns that you may have and encourage you to do so.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will be created using the creation rules within the Star Wars d20 Revised Core Book. Players may use official errata, if there is something unofficial that you would like to use you will need to speak with the GM for approval prior to using anything fan made or unofficial. Characters will start at 1st level and will advance using a milestone system instead of awarded XP, meaning that the GM will inform the entire group when they have progressed a level. When you join the roll20 and sign into the game for the first time a character sheet will automatically be created for you though it will have a random name, if one is not then under under the collections tab in the Macros section you can find the Macro to create your own sheet. If you are unable to do so or if you are unable to find the Macros, reach out to the GM for support. Once your character sheet has been created you are free to create your character, if you have joined before Session 0 then you are welcome to wait until Session 0 to create the character during that session.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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