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Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror

Call of Cthulhu on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: None

Price per player-session

About the adventure

It is June 1794. A two-wheeled cart with high wooden sides rumbles through the streets of Paris, drawn by a tired horse. Men and women stand in the back of the cart, some downcast, some weeping. One man holds his head high. His back is to us. We cannot see his face. The cart passes along a street lined with crowds. They jeer at the occupants of the cart, laughing and making gestures by drawing their fingers sharply across their necks. But not everyone mocks the cart. A middle-aged woman with two young girls, aged seven or eight, pushes forward and looks anxiously at the cart, hugging the girls tight to her sides. A broken old man shakes his head as the cart goes by, while a dog with one black ear runs after the cart, barking. A soldier curses and aims a kick. The dog howls and runs off. A young woman with close-cropped blonde hair stands by the road, silent, face heavy with grief. A bearded man, his face lined with worry, leans on his crutch and yells a name in anguish. He cannot be heard over the jeers of the crowd. And, a young man, his face old beyond his years, looks at the cart with an air of resignation, and turns away. The cart continues. Soldiers clear the way and keep the crowd at bay. Finally, the cart rolls into a large square. In its center stands the guillotine. The crowds throng around it. The cart reaches the base of the guillotine. The man steps out first, his head held high. We see his broad back as he ascends the steps of the guillotine. The executioner steps forwards to push him down, but the man kneels of his own volition. We hear the clack-clack-clack of the women seated below knitting, their eyes fixed on the platform. The blade is poised, a shining length of bright sharp steel. The light glints off a small pattern on the blade, a concentric circle. The crowd holds its collective breath. Time stands still for an instant, and then the blade falls. This Call of Cthulhu campaign is set in the year 1789 and then the second part is in 1794. The first part starts just before the start of the bloody French revolution and then the second part happens in the middle of the revolution when the Guillotine would be going 24 hours a day. Come play as investigators looking into mysteries that are put in their lap. What will happen and what will they find? Will they survive this chaotic time? Or will they go Crazy? Time will tell.

2 years on StartPlaying

10 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a Mic. I highly recommend having a webcam as it helps with interaction between players. You will need to join my discord channel and be willing to learn the Call of Cthulhu system if you are not familiar with it.

What I provide

I will have all the books needed, a syrinscape license if you would like the background music. You can roll dice at home if you have them or you can use discord to roll your dice.

Gameplay details

I will provide a link to the Lines and Vails document via google docs. It can be added to at any time. Feel free to walk away at any time if you need to and no questions will be asked. After the game feel free to chat on the discord and check in. If you need to chat after the game please let me know.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

The Campaign has pre generated characters. We will discuss the characters and character sheet before the first session. Feel free to pick one and adjust them to be a character you would like to play.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: None

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