P.U.N.Ks - Underground Adventures

P.U.N.Ks - Underground Adventures

Indie TTRPG on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a game for both beginner and ADVANCED roleplayers. Being hosted on DISCORD, we use Custom Code as well as COMMANDS & BOTS in order to bring an extremely immersive layer on top of traditional TTRPGs. As you play the game you will start as a SQUIRE to a large Corporation set underground. You, as a rat-humaniod, have been cut off from civilization above a long time ago and now are desperate for knowledge of your past and future. As you work through the SQUIRE ACADEMY, You will be able to join GUILDS as well as DUNGEON crawl and fight monsters, build your characters skills, learn to read the Underpunks alphabet and practice MAGIC, build spaceships and explore outer space, climb up to the surface, raise PETS and recruit crew and followers, fight in the underworld, practice medicine and be a doctor or Cybernetics Dealer, start a BUSINESS like a shroom farm, or even own your own CORPORATION like myself. The world is your oyster and the whole time you can record your roleplay adventures in the ROLEPLAY JOURNAL on the discord for everyone to read and enjoy. You can also roleplay with others and build large grand stories. As you advance your character you will have the chance to alter the course of the world and help shape the world we all play in. LASTLY find your characters animated, PIXELATED, and brought to life. The banner and profile image are all of in game characters from real life players. Our Senior Leaders work hard managing a department from Tech, to Banking, soon to Fishing, and Climbing. We have 5 Senior Leaders and growing rapidly as we look to fill more Senior Leader positions in the near future. Join today and fight for a spot at the top of TFI 💯🥂

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

There is very little preparation needed to START playing P.U.N.Ks. Where most games require this or that, all you need is a DISCORD ACCOUNT & WAX WALLET (Atomichub.io - to receive in game items/resources & trade them with other players) Come in through the DISCORD LINK & our Senior Squire and other Squires will guide you on how to create a WAX WALLET & FINISH the tutorial. The tutorial will give you all the tools you need to play the game along with LEARNING how to navigate and input COMMANDS. You can voice chat with other members to strategize if you like, but coming in with a rough idea of how your character looks and their personality is also very helpful for when we start CREATING QUESTS for you.

What I provide

There are Maps of the world located in the game along with a lot of beautiful custom art and content. We in P.U.N.Ks do illustrate our characters as well as PIXELATE & ANIMATE them to bring them to life. We also bring a very ROBUST and welcoming COMMUNITY that we call the TFI Family. There we all share resources, items, and information to help us ALL advance and explore the game at the highest level. When you join you will see all that we offer and why working for TFI is the only way to go within the game 🎯

Gameplay details

STARTING THE GAME: As a new player, when you join you will be dropped into the #West-Squires Channel on DISCORD. There you will get help setting up your character and getting started in the tutorial which teaches you how to navigate through the game and use simple commands to !Attack and find loot and materials for your new character. AFTER YOU COMPLETE THE TUTORIAL: You will be registered and verified within the game and will be able to join the actual game which is called P.U.N.Ks. You will be sent an INVITE to our private DISCORD SERVER called the TFI TEMPLE and join the rest of the family and Corporation members. Once there you will receive SPECIAL QUESTS in order to continue advancing your character and this is where the deep character creation begins. JOIN A GUILD to set your allegiance, and also create a Character Profile (if you wish) to highlight key features about your characters appearance and personality. After you have joined the TFI TEMPLE as well as choose a GUILD the amazing world of UNDERPUNKS opens up to you which is an amazingly deep almost endless Roleplaying Experience. At the TFI Temple you are able to talk with Corp members about current Corp Goals in the game. As well as any TRIGGERS or WISHES in the game. If any CONTENT OR GAMEPLAY stands out to you, you can highlight (React) with a STAR. We do most of our communication the game via CHAT in the discord. Though some of us definitely love to VOICE OR WEBCAM from time to time. In this game you will advance from a Squire in the Academy. To a GRADUATE or DROP-Out if you decide to quit the academy. Whichever way you choose you will be exposed to and have the opportunity to receive SPECIAL QUESTS and loot important resources and items for your character and to TRADE with other members in the world. This game is a TIMER BASED TEXT ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE This means that you are allowed to take BREAKS whenever you choose and can play for as long or as little as you like on any given day. There are a lot of us that play this game ALL DAY and are always available for QUESTIONS or ROLEPLAY. And there are also others that pop into the game every so after to perform an ACTION(Move) and then come back when it is there turn to ACT or MOVE. This means you can play WITH Corp members or even enemies. OR by yourself at any time so you can advance your particular character as fast or as leisurely as you like. 🥂 We regularly release NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS to DEBRIEF and update everyone in the CORP about new GAMEPLAY additions and Content VEILS being lifted. As you advance your SQUIRE, you will have the opportunity to hold Senior or Management positions within the Corp. A lot of our positions are held by new Squires that started in the Academy and now teach at it and run other departments. As you grow your character you will change and shape the CORP and in turn the whole GAME & WORLD that is Underpunks. Our current Objective: Colonizing a planet in outer space for CORP control and Population Expansion. We have had 150+ new members join within the last month and are looking to grow to over 1000 within our Corp and build a living BREATHING world of ROLEPLAY & ADVENTURE. The GM keeps record of everyone's STAT and CHARACTER SHEET with code and DISCORD bots. Everything is AUTOMATED in the game allowing you to play at your leisure and on your own time. And can coordinate with other Corp Members to play together if you like. Everything EXCEPT the Canon Story Roleplay is automated and the GM often steps in and progresses the story with your characters involvement helping to SHAPE the story. ALSO we run a SHOP called the Design Shoppe within the game, ran by members of the Corp or in-game characters that will make a Portrait (Pixel) of your character and ANIMATE them and bring them to life for you. We also have a MANGA that we are working on to incorporate a lot of our CORP MEMBERS and see some of their favorite adventures be brought to life 🥂💯🔥

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

All characters START with 0 SKILLS and no INVENTORY. Your character itself can be created i.e their looks & personality. As you go through the tutorial you will have the option to SELECT A GUILD, which will set your allegiance though your primary allegiance is to your CORPORATION TFI. After you finish the TUTORIAL you will be able to join 1 of 2 Schools. The Squire Academy or the Hero Academy. Once there you will be given SPECIAL QUESTS that will send you out into the world to develop your SKILLS as well as find and loot precious materials and items for your character. You will also earn COIN the in-game currency. If the Academy is not to your liking you have the option to become a DROP-OUT, an option fancied by those in the Thieves Guild though open to any SQUIRE. As a DROP-OUT you will be able to join a Resistance unit called OMEGA or be on your own and receive tasks from [Redacted]..... Through your adventures as a DROP-OUT or in the Academy, you will advance your character with many opportunities to be picked up by a Senior Leader who runs a department and offered a position within their specific DEPARTMENT. We have departments in TECH & SPACE, BANKING, DUNGEON EXPLORATION, & SOON we will open the FISHING & MEDICAL department. So we will be looking for new SENIOR LEADERS & Departments managers and workers. Along the way you will continue to advance your character and their own personal story guided by their QUESTS. Which you get to set the themes to your particular play style. Want to be an assassin? Receive Assassinate quests. Want to be a Medical professional? Than you will receive that theme of Quest Line. While you do so, feel free to write your roleplay adventures up in the ROLEPLAY JOURNAL in order to bring your actions and commands in the game to LIFE. Feel free to ROLEPLAY with others and join in on the fun. We also have members that do not wish to write ✍️ and instead just roleplay in the game, on the server in-character and through their actions. There is a time and place for EVERYONE in P.U.N.Ks. You will find a place and a home here. I have been playing for 2 years and have come a long way. In that time, I've: •Become a Master Monk •Reached Lvl 4 Magic (Highest in game) •Create the TFI Corporation and grown it to 200 members & 5 Departments with Senior Leaders and management team. •Started the Squire Academy and Squire Training Program. •Started both the Hideous Toll (Dungeon Toll Both) but also the CENTRAL BANK OF RATROPIA. •and much much more. In this game you are able to change and influence the world and STORYLINE. CREATE BUSINESSES, ACQUIRE LAND, RUN CORPORATIONS IF YOU CHOOSE. OR work diligently within the Corp and hold a SENIOR POSITION and find yourself on the Corp LOGO with the rest of us. See you there !

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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