Praxeum: The Abyssal Coda - A D&D 5e Campaign

Praxeum: The Abyssal Coda - A D&D 5e Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Within the great, cosmic expanse of the Praxeum, the world's always ending. Yesteryear’s empires are rapidly becoming today’s plutocrats. Organized religions cling by their fingernails to the precepts of distant gods. The fundamental forces of reality, be it the Praxic Realms that make up the planescape, the precious Amiritium that fuels the furnace of new technology, or the actual study of the Arcane itself: all are well-known and well-documented. The great threats of epochs past, fiends, fey, dragons, and giants alike, have either been driven to the far corners of the world or ultimately subsumed by it. The world is running out of mysteries. That being said, what the world is not running out of is dangers. The over-exploitation of Amiritic technologies poisons the world, resource scarcity continually escalating new conflicts. Arcanists engage in reckless pursuits of the legendary 9th Praxic Realm - the “divine source” of magic itself, in a self-aggrandizing and destructive pursuit of ultimate power. Overuse of that same power results in the bleed-over of casual reality: destructive Bedlams that leave behind twisted landscapes and birth mutated monsters known as Spellwracks. Others who search desperately for a higher power find themselves frequently confronted with the strange lingering things that dwell within the darkness of the Praxeum, becoming conduits for powers that once nearly destroyed the world of Prima. And those are just the preternatural threats. More often than not, the truest danger comes in the form of the ambition and desperation of those around you. Praxeum is a homebrew 5e fantasy setting about the fight against the death of fantasy, where so much is known, but so little is truly understood. Struggle to preserve hope, or at least find some catharsis, even as the great, glittering horror of the cosmos comes crashing down on your heads...

1 year on StartPlaying

157 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a decent quality mic/headset, a Discord and Foundry account, and an internet connection. Other than that, just bring a good attitude and you'll be set!

What I provide

Oh, just the story, the NPCs, the world and all its various factions & shenanigans, the Discord server, the Foundry maps and tokens, the funny voices for said NPCs, the homebrew options and lore documents, and anything else I can think of in the interim. Y'know. The usual.

Gameplay details

Enter into the Praxeum if you're looking for a 5e game with: - An expansive arcanepunk setting with deep lore and with plenty of room for your PCs' chosen character options. - A RP-focused story containing themes of apocalyptic fantasy and cosmic horror, the consequences of industrial revolution, the clash between the fantastical vs. the secular, and the personal journey of finding hope for the future in a world that doesn't seem to have one. - Variant rules to help streamline gameplay, as well as optional homebrew feats, spells, magical items, and race & class options to help cement your PC within the greater world. - And overall, just a fun time with a bunch a like-minded fantasy nerds, myself included! Pertinent Lines and Veils will be established at Session 0, and each Session will include a 15-minute break at the mid-way point in order to destress/snack/take a bio break/whatever else needs doing.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Characters will also be created collaboratively at Session 0, though don't be discouraged from pitching concepts beforehand. "Lore" channels in the Discord Server will assist in fleshing out aspects of the setting any players might be curious about beforehand (though feel free to pester the DM once you have a link if you have any other burning questions). Character sheets will be handled/recorded through Foundry VTT for ease of gameplay. PCs will be starting at Level 3, including a Feat at 1st Level.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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