Players Wanted for RP Heavy Stream! Mutant Year Zero/Genlab Alpha

Players Wanted for RP Heavy Stream! Mutant Year Zero/Genlab Alpha

Mutant Year Zero on Discord, Vorpal Board

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

I am starting a streamed game of Mutant Year Zero. A friend of mine will be running another group of Genlab Alpha- a setting within Mutant Year Zero. We are seeking players with good audio/video setups who are looking to play in long-form campaign game for streaming/recording. If anyone is interested, we will each be running a couple test sessions with potential groups to ensure everyone likes the game system and the group meshes nicely. NOTE: These are FREE games! Ideal players (but not deal breakers, of course!): -Not experienced with MYZ...we want to capture the natural first experience of players in this dark and bleak setting. -LOVE to encounters and combat are much quicker than in D&D and similar games, a lot of this story will lean into the characters and their interactions with one another. -Someone looking to get involved with a gaming channel/brand that seeks to branch out in multiple directions. -Fellow GM's...we are open to having more games run on the channel once we get things rolling. What is MYZ? Mutant Year Zero is a wonderful Post-Apocalyptic game created by Swedish game company Free League. It is a simple D6 based system that places some nice narrative control in the hands of players via a 'number of successes' rolling system. Easy to learn, great fun to play, and, in fact, such a great system that Free League bases almost every game they make off their Year Zero Engine. Characters are mutated humans who live in a small society which tries to keep itself safe from the wasteland that surrounds it. Resources are scarce, your mutations have made it so none of you can reproduce, most of you die before age 30, and time is running out. Survival is the goal above all else. What is Genlab Alpha? Genlab Alpha is one of the 3 books released as expansions for MYZ that are also standalone games/settings. The characters are all mutated anthropomorphic animals with human traits. You all live within a closed-in national park and have grown up under 'the watchers', a group of robots and automatons that keep you inside the park. Different tribes and individuals hold different opinions of the watchers. Times are changing and tensions are growing between tribes and between the animals and the watchers. Campaign 1- Mutant Year Zero: I, Fraya, will be GM'ing this one. When: Every other Saturday, starting some time between noon and 3 PM EST. (need to find the full cast before locking the time in) Currently have 2 players- looking for 2 or 3 more. Campaign 2- Genlab Alpha: Casey is the GM for this. When: Tuesday or Wednesday evenings at 7 PM EST. Currently have 3 players- looking for 1 or 2 more.

Voice Actor
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

68 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

Average response time: 22 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

-Character made and backstory established along with a vaguely thought out personality -MYZ rules read through at least once -Discord account made -Good microphone and webcam

What I provide

17 years of TTRPG experience and my best ability to create a wonderful story for all of us involved.

Gameplay details

These game systems are inherently geared toward darker themes. These will likely not be happy stories.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

We will work together as a group to create characters. Not many online resources for Free League games yet so PDF character sheets will be used for now. There will be a fair bit of prep working required, on my end, once characters are made. There will be plenty of time to iron out details.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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