PF2E | Seven Dooms for Sandpoint |  Solo Savior of Sandpoint Duet

PF2E | Seven Dooms for Sandpoint | Solo Savior of Sandpoint Duet

Pathfinder 2e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 2 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Varisia’s Lost Coast has seen more than its fair share of danger over the past few decades, and the town of Sandpoint, known also as the “Light of the Lost Coast,” has been at the epicenter of much of that danger. Goblin invasions, attacks from giants and dragons, deadly fires, murderous rampages, and natural disasters have tested the limits of those who dwell here, and many have wondered why the Lost Coast, and Sandpoint in particular, has had such a run of bad luck recently. There is a reason. And now, nearly two decades after Runelord Karzoug rose from his slumber to threaten the realm, those reasons are coming to a boil. A new hero must step up to save the town from a sinister conspiracy that would bring doom seven times over to Sandpoint. Seven Dooms for Sandpoint is a very special adventure: it marks the 200th volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths by returning to the town where it all began! Serving as a sequel to Burnt Offerings, the first adventure in Rise of the Runelords, Seven Dooms for Sandpoint is a fully self-contained campaign in a single 200-page volume that is designed to bring a group of 4 characters from 4th to 12th level. Along the way, you’ll discover the true nature of the supernatural forces that have loomed in the background of all that has occurred in this small coastal town. Player's Guide Link: Solo Savior of Sandpoint This campaign is designed for 4 level 4 characters, so how can you play it solo? By playing a character blessed by the fortune, that's how! In effect, you're playing a superhero. See the character creation section below.

1 year on StartPlaying

205 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, Teacher

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

Check out the players' guide!

What I provide

Cultivated collection of maps, sounds, images for Foundry VTT. Janky Voices, terrible accents, memorable and active NPCs. Rules knowledge, flexibility, willingness to teach, player-friendly GMing.

Gameplay details

Session zero. Safety Channel. Private Channel with direct and discreet access to GM.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

Characters are given a suite of Divine Blessings. The character gets the benefits from each of the following Divine Blessing Ranks. Rank S Divine Blessing: Choose two of the following: Armor Skin, Cantrip Mastery, Celerity, Class Acceleration, Conditional Immunity, Creature Feature, Damage Reduction, Double Capacity Spellcasting, Flurry at Will, Free Will, Overpowered Mana, Perfect Aim, Regeneration, Skill Savant, Suite Magic, Superstats, Ultimate Weapon, Unequaled Unarmed, or Unlimited Lives Rank A Divine Blessing: Overpowered Class (Dual Class + Free Archetype) Rank B Divine Blessing: Choose two of the Following Analysis, Ancestry Acceleration, Animal Friend, Automatic Bonus Override, Eternal, Extra Limbs, Fear Aura, Inventory Screen, Life Support, Lucky, Resize, Safe Rest, Seeking Magic, Socialite, Status Recovery, Supersenses, Tech Cheat: Nope Shield, Tech Cheat: Damage Dial, Tech Cheat: Gun to a Knife Fight, or Unyielding Rank C Divine Blessing: Advanced Skills (Ancestral Paragon + Start at Level 5 + Enhanced Stats) Rank D Divine Blessing: Otherworldly Access (Uncommon + Rare Access) Rank E Divine Blessing: Wealthy Start (Start with Level 6 Wealth)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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