Marvel Super-Heroes FASERIP on Discord, Text/Play by Post

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

-- Quantum ZERO: Metagenesis -- The world changed when the meta humans appeared in the 1940's. All at once it became hopeful and filled with dismay as the discovery of Quantum Universal Energy brought limitless possibilities and then endless ways to destroy mankind. The god-like metahumans finally clashed and killed each other in a hundred year brutal apocalyptic war leaving the world broken and shattered and the meta power no longer to be found amongst mortal men... The year is now 21XX and a mysterious energy has begun to appear and grant seemingly random people incredible powers once again. You are one of those people, driven to help your fellow man, you become a hero, but soon begin to unravel the dark past of the remaining heroes and uncover a terrifying conspiracy that threatens to reshape reality itself.

Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

86 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

This is a play by post game, meaning you can post whenever you like. There are a few things you'll need before starting, though! ✔️ - FASERIP TTRPG Rules: Make sure you're familiar with the Marvel FASERIP rules. I provide a copy of the rulebook on the discord in the 'resources and handouts' section. ✔️ - Discord Account: Our game and communications will be conducted through the 'play by post' format Discord. If you don't already have an account, please create one. ✔️ - Character Sheet: I require at least a writeup of your character sheet. You're free to design your character as you wish, but they should be somewhere between /neutral/ or /heroic/. You can submit your character sheet to me via our Discord server on the appropriate channel. If you're unsure how to create your character or prefer not to, I can provide a randomly generated character for you. ✔️ - Session Zero Google Form: I'll share a link to a Google Form designed for 'Session Zero.' Please fill this out as it helps me understand your character and concept better.

What I provide

In general gameplay will be me providing setting or location information, generally a handful of inciting incidents, and then play as anything in the world that is not your character. This includes villains, other heroes, law enforcement, citizens, etc. ⭐ - My DM Style: As your DM, I strive for a balance between intensity and engagement. While I do not shy away from the harsh realities of the game world, I also celebrate the 'Rule of Cool,' encouraging creative solutions and memorable moments over strict adherence to the Rules as Written. However, be prepared for tactical challenges where your decisions have significant consequences. ⭐ - The Story Tone: This is a dark story, inspired by the greats like Watchmen, Akira, Dark Knight, and Invincible -- while also harkening to the golden age of comic book superheroes presenting a dark, fun, and fresh take on the superhero genre. ⭐ - The System: While we're using the MSH rules as a structure, I encourage creative thinking and outside the box approaches to dealing with the issues that come up within the game world. This means that I allow a heavy amount of 'freeform' interact within the game that does not have to result in the rolling of the dice. ⭐ - What I ask from you, as players, is a readiness to embrace the game's rigorous demands, a willingness to work together, and an eagerness to dive into the depths of imagination. Together, we'll create a memorable and exhilarating experience that tests your characters skills and rewards your bravery and heroic efforts. - ⭐⭐ - PBP Campaign Structure - ⭐⭐ The price listed is the price it costs to play the game per week. Meaning you'll be recharged every week, even if you're not active. Please let me know if you need to hold or leave and I'll make sure you're not charged.

Gameplay details

⭐ - Consent Checklist via Google Forms: For those who haven't played with me before, you'll be asked to fill out a consent checklist through a Google Form. This checklist will help me understand your preferences and limits, ensuring that the content of our sessions respects your boundaries. ⭐ - X, N, & O Communication: To address immediate concerns or discomfort during gameplay, I encourage the use of X (for stopping the game because of a serious problem), N (for signaling when something is nearing a player's discomfort zone), and O (for indicating everything is okay). You can privately message me at any time before, during, or after gameplay to use these signals or for any other reason. This allows for real-time feedback and ensures that we can address any issues promptly and sensitively. ⭐ - Open Door Policy: Real life comes first - players can leave the game at any time for any reason without facing negative repercussions. This policy emphasizes respect for personal boundaries and the well-being of participants, acknowledging that life outside the game can necessitate a sudden departure, whether due to emergencies, discomfort, or simply not enjoying the session. ⭐ - Further Gameplay Details: Beyond safety, our gameplay will aim to be immersive and engaging, respecting both the narrative and the dynamics of player interaction. I'm dedicated to creating a balanced experience that values both the thrill of adventure and the well-being of all players. Your safety and enjoyment are my top priorities. By implementing these tools and practices, I hope to create a space where everyone can fully enjoy the rich, immersive world we're about to explore together. Your feedback and comfort level are crucial to this endeavor, so please never hesitate to reach out with any concerns or suggestions.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Your character can be built like normal, however you must focus the origin of your powers on the mysterious energies, sun flares, or eclipse interruptions that have appeared in the last six or so months. So you'll fall into the 'altered human' or 'mutant' categories. Additionally, being that you're just starting: make sure that you have what would feasibly be 'starting equipment' if you even have any. I provide an editable PDF character sheet in the discord server. You not post until the majority of the character mechanically created. I am always available to message on discord to help you through the process and help with any character stuff you would like to work on. ✔️ Pick Altered Human or Mutant ✔️ Roll 3d6 for starting Karma (If lower than 18) If you want to be a 'tech' hero that is fine, but it will be using your natural meta powers that you can do so, if that makes sense. I'm up for any concept, let's just talk it through. In theory you will randomly roll for your powers and take what you get, as what would happen to your character, but I'm also absolutely fine if you have a badass concept in your head you just NEED to play.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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