Pathfinder 2E: The Echelon Order

Pathfinder 2E: The Echelon Order

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

In the heart of Absalom, the secretive Echelon Order thrives, operating through proxies with vast influence across Golarion. You are an agent of this enigmatic organization, tasked with solving global problems and acquiring crucial information. Every mission is a thrilling journey, teleporting you and your motley companions to various corners of Golarion. Your objectives vary from safeguarding powerful artifacts from mischievous actors to investigating cursed forests and quelling banditry threatening local businesses. Welcome to the Echelon Order A unique way of experiencing home-brew content in a quick and easy/consumable format. These games are designed to be completed in 1-2 sessions, allowing you to enjoy thrilling adventures without committing to lengthy campaigns. It's also an opportunity for you to unleash your creativity and test out cool and wacky character concepts in an inconsequential environment. In each typical game, you will be given a specific task or mission. Through the aid of a mysterious plot device, you'll be teleported to your destination, where your goal awaits. How you achieve this task is entirely up to you, and I intentionally leave the goals morally ambiguous, allowing for diverse and intriguing outcomes. As these games are meant to be standalone experiences, I won't be providing loot within the module. However, fear not! I will reward you with the gold value of the encounters, akin to the Pathfinder Society. This ensures that each character can curate their own equipment and prevents everyone from having the same overpowered items. It also allows for a mix and match of PCs with different experience levels, creating a dynamic and varied play environment. Moreover, this series of 1 shots is based in Absalom, a bustling city where almost anything is available for purchase. If you have any further questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm excited to embark on these thrilling adventures with you!


1 year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Sets the Mood, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

There are a few important requirements to ensure a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience: Survey Participation: Once you join the game, I will contact you with a survey. It's essential that you fill it out. The survey will help me ensure player compatibility. Plays who don't meet this requirement will be removed from the game. Character Preparation: Players should arrive with an already-made standard Pathfinder 2e player character. As soon as I can, I will grant access to my Foundry instance, allowing you to input your character's information. This will enable us to jump right into the action and save valuable game time. Quality Microphone: To facilitate clear communication and immersive gameplay, it is essential for players to have at least a moderate-quality microphone with decent audio filtering. Background noise from TVs or other conversations can disrupt the experience, so let's ensure our audio quality is top-notch. All voice communication will be conducted via Discord. Webcam Encouraged: While webcams are not mandatory, they are encouraged. We can use Discord for video communication, as video takes up space in Foundry's virtual tabletop.

What I provide

To ensure the smoothest and most enjoyable gaming experience, please ensure that your computer meets the following system requirements: Minimum Specifications: A relatively modern computer running Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur (or newer), or Linux operating systems, with support for 64-bit architecture. An integrated GPU to enable hardware acceleration. 8GB of RAM to handle the game's demands. A monitor with a minimum resolution of 1366x768. This resolution ensures that the user interface remains easily navigable and readable. Additionally, please have a modern web browser installed on your computer, such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Edge, with hardware acceleration enabled. Unfortunately, Safari is not a supported browser at this time. Recommended Specifications: A relatively modern computer running Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur (or newer), or Linux operating systems with support for 64-bit architecture. A dedicated GPU that supports WebGL 2.0 for enhanced graphics performance. 16GB of RAM to provide ample resources for the game's more demanding aspects. A monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 or higher for a more visually immersive experience. A mouse is recommended for smooth navigation and interaction with the software. While a touchpad is usable, the current software is designed primarily for mouse and keyboard input. For the closest experience to the Foundry Virtual Tabletop (FVTT) desktop application, Chrome or a Chromium-based browser is highly recommended.

Gameplay details

IMPORTANT: If the game is not full a week from the session start date, the date will be moved back a week. I don't want players or myself to feel rushed. Because of the nature of this type of game, it's difficult to offer any Safety Tools. After each game, I always contact my players and use their feedback to make my subsequent games a better experience. I purposefully require my players to be 21 or older, and I purposefully pre-screen my players to make sure they are compatible with my style of game. Your comfort at my "table" is my priority. But be sure to heed my content warnings. The world that I run is a dark place with nuanced people. People come in degrees of evil, and you need to have your bad to appreciate the good.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

For the upcoming adventures, we will start at level 1. I suggest creating your characters ahead of time using standard rules. If you are a returning player, at later levels, we will use the free archetype variant. To participate, please sign up and then I will contact you and give you access to a survey. Once you are ready, I will grant you access to my Foundry server. This is why I require a full party a day before the adventure begins. Once in Foundry, you will be able to create your "Actor". There will be no traditional Session 0 for these games. The primary goal of this system of play is to offer a diverse array of players the opportunity to participate without feeling burdened by the responsibilities and financial obligations of a full campaign. However, don't worry! Even though these adventures are meant to be non-committal, you are more than welcome to join multiple games. If you enjoy the experience, I invite you to stay connected through my Discord server. When a future game is being planned, I'll notify you, and you can bring your beloved character back for more thrilling escapades. To fulfill TOS, I will not be doing private paid games. Each iteration of this 1 shot will be hosted by "How do I make a theme-appropriate character?" Player characters who are Agents of the Echelon Order can become a member of the organization via a diverse array of circumstances. Without saying too much, a member of the order can be born, coerced, or just simply doing it of their own free will. It's honestly up to you how much work you want to do here. But I've seen some really neat character concepts.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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