Pathfinder 2E: Carrion Crown

Pathfinder 2E: Carrion Crown

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Hello everyone! My aim for this game is to bring together a group of up to 6 people, all aged 21 and above, including myself. We'll be using a heavily modded Foundry VTT instance with a procured set of Maps and Music from the community. The main goal is to have a relaxing and fun time while optionally enjoying some drinks, chatting, and delving into the adventure. I run a laid-back game from the players' perspective, and I'll be as involved as each player prefers. I'm open to integrating your character backstories into the game or simply running the adventure as written. The comfort and dedication of everyone at the table are my top priorities. To ensure a great experience, I have a survey that I ask every player to fill out and get approved before officially joining the game. This helps me make sure that the group dynamics are positive and the game quality is high. As the GM, I'm only one-sixth of the group, so creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone is key. Sample Questions: 1. "Are you open to running a 1 shot prior to session 1 to investigate player compatibility?" 2. " Would you prefer a weekly or bi-weekly schedule" 3. How comfortable are you with Roleplaying? etc. If you have any questions or need more information about the game, the survey, or anything else, feel free to ask. Looking forward to embarking on this adventure together! Adventure Description: Haunting Shadows Over Ustalav In the grim and haunted lands of Ustalav, darkness creeps in from every corner, enveloping the hearts of its inhabitants with dread and despair. Gothic architecture, ancient ruins, and a populace rife with superstition set the stage for a tale of horror and suspense. The legacy of heroes and tyrants alike echoes through the twisted corridors of history, daring a new generation to rise. But beware, for your actions could awaken horrors best left buried. The Carrion Crown Adventure Path The Carrion Crown Adventure Path invites adventurers into the haunting landscapes of Ustalav, confronting them with terrors unimaginable. The campaign scales from levels 1 to 15, as your player characters navigate through cursed mansions, abandoned asylums, and fog-shrouded moors. Along the way, they will contend with classic horror tropes, from werewolves and vampires to deranged cultists and ancient curses. But this campaign is not just for those native to Ustalav; heroes from all lands and backgrounds can find themselves ensnared in the web of the tale. From the academic halls of Lepidstadt to the spectral corners of Harrowstone Prison, your characters will witness the haunting beauty and lurking dread that define Ustalav, even as they strive to conquer it.


1 year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Sets the Mood, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

1. Players should have at least read the (How to play) sections of the Heroes Handbook from the Beginner Box or the Core Rule Book. 2. Players should have at least a moderate-quality microphone with decent audio filtering. Please no TV background noise or people talking in the background. Audio will be via Discord 3. Webcams are optional. 4. Optional - Create a character prior to session 0. A workshop will be run during session 0 to create characters for those who need assistance. Use the following link to download the Free players guide for the campaign. Remember that this is a 1e adventure path. I will be converting it to 2e. 5. Come up with a character concept. Again, please note that your character will be level 1 at the start of this adventure. keep that in mind when writing and avoid writing a goal for your PC that may risk superseding the plot of the adventure.

What I provide

I bring everything! Players will just need to be using a relatively modern computer. Minimum Specifications Relatively modern computer running Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur (or newer), or Linux operating systems, with support for 64-bit architecture. An integrated GPU to enable hardware acceleration. 8GB of RAM A monitor no smaller than 1366x768. At this minimum resolution many aspects of the UI will feel cramped. A modern web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Edge with hardware acceleration enabled. (Safari is not a supported browser at this time). Recommended Specifications Relatively modern computer running Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur (or newer), or Linux operating systems with support for 64-bit architecture. A dedicated GPU which supports WebGL 2.0. 16GB of RAM A monitor with 1920x1080 or higher resolution. A mouse. You can use the software with a touchpad but the current software is designed for mouse and keyboard. Chrome or a Chromium-based browser provides an experience closest to the FVTT desktop application.

Gameplay details

IMPORTANT: If the game is not full a week from the session start date, the date will be moved back a week. I don't want players or myself to feel rushed. IMPORTANT: Joining this game is not a guarantee of entry. Once you apply I will send you a survey form. Please fill this out. The survey will give you a better idea of who I am as a GM and It's a chance for me to get to know who you are. My goal is to get a group of people who are compatible temperamentally and aligned in their goals for this campaign. I will do my best to not waste the applicants time who didn't make it. Things you can expect from this campaign. 1. This adventure path will take your characters from level 1 to 15. In real people time, that's roughly 1.5 years of gameplay if we play weekly for about 3-3.5 hours per session. Please take this into consideration before applying. 2. This adventure path is primarily Horror Themed and the Ustalavic people are highly superstitious playing human/core races will enhance the game, but you're free to make creative decisions with your character. I only ask that you be cognizant and respectful of the other players when crafting your back story. You want to build a character that is going to want to participate in the adventure. 3. There are ample opportunities for Combat and For Roleplay. This is a judgment-free zone... relax have a beer and let's play. Things you can expect during session 0. 1. Players will meet with the GM and we will all introduce ourselves. 2. Players will be given a guided tour of my Foundry instance, as well as a discussion of the modules I have installed. 3. Players who have never played Pathfinder before will be given a step-by-step introduction of character creation. 4. I will remain online for the duration of the session to help guide character creation, but players are free to log off for the evening. After each game, I always contact my players and use their feedback to make my subsequent games a better experience. I purposefully require my players to be 18 or older, and I purposefully pre-screen my players to make sure they are compatible with my style of game. Your comfort at my "table" is my priority. But be sure to heed my content warnings. The world that I run is a dark place with nuanced people. People come in degrees of evil, and you need to have your bad to appreciate the good. This campaign is a pretty light hearted romp but I will not shy away from implied violence and descriptions of environments or describing the effects of violence in grim detail.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character creation depends on skill level. Entirely new players will have access to me for free 1o1s where I can answer any questions and walk them through the character creation process. Intermediate players: May attempt to create their own characters on their own and direct message me with any concerns. If you need assistance, after the introductions during Session 0, feel free to stay logged on and I will walk you through any questions you may have. Experienced players: May create their own characters offline. After the introduction period of session 0, feel free to log off and I'll see you next week! But you can always ask questions or stick around to help newer players.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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