Paradise Lost - Bi-Weekly

Paradise Lost - Bi-Weekly

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Paradise Lost is a Bi-Weekly NSFW game with themes of romance, adventure, and story building in a gritty fantasy world filled with injustice and danger. Depending on your choices you may be swallowed up and subjugated, becoming another dirty face in a countless sea of others taken advantage of and downtrodden on by the city.. Or you may rise above and enact change, plying your skills in the political arena for the good of the people. Sex and violence are central themes, and though you are not required to sleep with anyone or kill anyone, you should expect that you will be immersed in a world where both will be an integral part of what occurs around you and are part of how the world operates. It has been twenty years since an heir has set foot in upon the stone floor of the Castle Valstoris, and around it lay the ever sprawling urbanwork of the city of Cor'Kardia. A capitol whose incredible size and wealth has made it the most powerful city in the nation of Iverstern. Or, such was its position in the past. With the passing of the old king and disputes between relatives over who should sit upon the throne, the acting Regent for reasons unknown surrendered much of the throne's power to the city's nobility and its affluent. Almost over night, Cor'Kardia became an oligarchy run city-state. Overtime, the Kingdom of Iverstern became merely the Land of Iverstern, and those families who once held claim to the throne have split their respective territories into independent provinces. What once was a shining kingdom of prosperity has since fallen into a mad scramble for power and gold. This city is carved up under the leadership of many. Vampire nobility ruling from the night. A league of dragons masquerading as the rich and powerful. Liches influencing politics with their foul magics. Gangs of beastmen and green skins which rule their streets with bloody maws. There are few places in Cor'Kardia where corruption has not tainted every brick of the streets you will walk, and while death is in high supply, trust is a commodity few are able to find. This city has a lot of names etched into its cultural zeitgeist, both hero and villain.. How you live, and perhaps more importantly how you die, will determine if you get to count yourself among them. Somewhere in the Silk Quarter, full of trade and commerce, where the very poor and the very rich meet, a new brothel has opened. The Snapdragon is run by the mysterious and alluring Matriarch Tarra. Though small, it has generated much buzz about town for the exquisite nature of its workers, and for its reputed ties to the underworld. For reasons only you can decide, you have been employed by the Snapdragon. Be it as a worker, guard, or some other role, one thing is certain.. The Matriarch has plans for you. That much is clear, as you and a few select others have been hand picked by her to mount a rescue operation for a girl lost. Do you have what it takes to dive into the underbelly of Cor'Kardia?

Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

34 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

You should have functioning keyboard and mic, be willing to use Foundry, and have functioning head phones or speakers so you can hear us during voice sessions. In between voice sessions we have open text RP for players to interact with each other or NPC's, so be ready to type!

What I provide

I bring with me the following: 1 co-DM, so that she can handle all female voice work, RPing the female NPC's, and general DM management stuff. She's what lets me do as good of a job as I do, thanks to her back up. You will be expected to treat her with the same respect you give me. Animated maps, taken largely from my subscription to the Animated Dungeon Maps patreon which your patronage helps me pay for. Animated boss monsters & fully fleshed out NPC's. If you see a unique token, that is someone who will remember your interactions with them. The city is full of such individuals, who stock the various jobs of the city, and perform various roles. Catered music so as to provide fitting ambiance for whatever the mood of the scene. Over 15 different gangs or groups of power which hold territory within the city and interact with each other. How you choose to make use of or fight them is up to you!

Gameplay details

I will require you to provide me with your kink blacklist, as well as any phobias or anything else I need to add to the list of things which may not be brought up in the game. After your initial mission in this world, it becomes very Sandboxy, so communication with your team mates is key. We will hold discussions from time to time to see what direction the team wants to go in. Combat is intended to be terrifying, fast paced, and thrilling, but not require any sort of system mastery to participate in. It will be scaled to match the players. The largest focus in the game is role play, socializing with the NPC's and each other, romancing or making rivals, etc.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character creation involves using point buy as per the player handbook, and using any first party content which is available. You receive a free feat at first level.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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